Chapter 30

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Mason's pov

Being without technology sucks. This whole grounding thing sucks honestly. It has only been a few days since the fight and I'm already bored out of my mind. I've done all of my school work, cleaned the house, and cooked. Their is nothing to do in this house. I still don't know how I'm going to tell April that I can't go. Not having internet really sucks.

I got up from my bed and started to walk down the stairs. Their must be something for me to do. Walking down the stairs i notice how quite the house is.

"Hello?" No response.

I walk into the kitchen and see a note, "Gone Pokemon hunting with everyone be back later, if you get hungry their is some money on the counter order a pizza. - Josh" I'm not really hungry, so I leave the kitchen and flop on the couch. I could go out and do something or sit and read a book or take a nap. Going outside requires effort and me getting dressed, also forgetting about my grounding. I don't really have books to read since they where all on my phone and I'm not tired. Their goes all of the ideas out of the window. I was just about to go back to my room when I hear a knock on the door. It couldn't be the guys considering they have keys, couldn't be Tyler or Brock since before I gave my phone up I sent them a text explaining, and it couldn't be anyone else since they don't know where I live.

I walked up to the door and opened it to see Tobi. "Josh sent me to watch over you and make sure that you are home."

"Their isn't really anything for me to do." I respond shrugging my shoulders.

"Then go watch some tv and I know what Josh said, he told me but I convinced him that if you tell me what really happened at school than you can watch tv.

I sigh, not really wanting to share what happened a few days ago I decide to go upstairs and draw on some scratch paper. Tobi understood and walked to the lounge to watch a show. As I walk through the bedroom door with some paper I thought it would be a fun idea to climb up to the roof and draw the night sky. I grab a textbook, a pencil, a book light, and the paper and walk over to the window, open it and climb up. It is not as easy as it looks. I found a comfy spot to sit on and start drawing. The neighborhood looks nice at night.

After about 2 hours of drawing mindlessly I hear someone screaming my name. It can't be Tobi I think he fell asleep on the couch, the guys aren't back yet, so I look around. Though it's hard to see when it's dark out. Right when I'm about to go back and draw I see Tyler standing in the yard.

"Tyler! What are you doing here? If the guys find out you are here you are going to be dead."

"Eh, I was bored and knowing you, you are as well."

"Leave! You can't be here they are coming back soon!"

"And you are on the roof."

"I'm still at home you are not, I'll be back at school next week. See you then." Tyler nodded and walked away.

I continued drawing, it looked pretty good so far but still needs work. A little while later I see Vikk's car drive up and a shocked Josh leave the car.

"Mason! How the fuck did you get up their!" Josh screamed while the others where walking in and waking up half the neighborhood.

"I climbed."

"Does Tobi know that you are up their?"

"Nope, just mindlessly drawing up here. It's peaceful."

"I don't care if it's peaceful it's dangerous! Get back to your room right now!"

"Okay." I said quietly and climbed back to my room. I didn't even get to finish my drawing, maybe later.

As soon as I put my stuff on the table an angry Josh storms in the room screaming," Mason! You could of killed yourself while up their-." He stopped mid sentence and looked at my drawing. It was Vikk, Josh, and I sat on the roof over looking the neighborhood.

"This looks great Mason. Is it for us?" 

"Yeah, it is when it is finished. It was meant to be a surprise but since you saw its not really a surprise." I shrug

"This is beautiful Mason, I'l let you finish it." Josh finished and left the room. That was weird, I'm not sure about that but I'll gladly finish this drawing. Grabbing all of my things going back on the roof to finish drawing. 

After awhile of drawing I'm about finished drawing only have a few small details left, I hear rustling coming from the window. A moment later I see Josh pulling him self up to the roof, taking a seat next to me. 

"How did you manage to do that twice? It was so much effort."

"That effort was nothing, you just spend to much on the computer. Besides the view was worth it." I said while looking at the houses.

"I came to get you because it's almost 5am you need to go to bed."

"Okay I'll be down in a bit." Josh started to climb down. "Don't fall."

"No shit." 

Josh went back inside and I continued to sit here, Thinking of how everyone is. Haven't really talked to them in a while. How are they? Are they eating alright? Good friends? I thought, wow i really am like a mother. With that thought I climbed down from the roof, dressed in pajamas and went to bed.

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