Chapter 27

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Josh's pov (ayee new pov, I think)

The dinner with Freya went well, Mason and her seemed to hit it off when they met about a few days ago. Now I'm waiting in the kitchen for some food to arrive. I hear knocking at the door, amusing it was the food I get up and answer the door. It was not food. Instead a man, looked to be around late teens, tall but not quite as tall as me.

"Can I help you?" I ask the man in front of me.

"Hi, I'm looking for a girl named Mason? I was told I can find her here," The man responded.

"Umm. I'm not sure I can trust you, I mean you haven't told me your name or why you are here."

"Oh, how rude of me! My name is-"

"Is the food here Josh?" The man in front of me was cut off by Mason walking down the stairs, saying and peeking her head through the door.

"Mason is that you?" The still unnamed man said.

"Spencer is it really you?" He nodded and Mason practically jumped on him. "Its been so long sense I've seen you! I've missed you."

"I have to. It took a while to find you not going to lie. Some of my friends had to help but I'm glad we didn't give up." The man named Spencer looked like he was going to cry. [craft for those Phandom members :)]

"Josh this is my older brother Spencer. We said to each other before we got separated that one day we will see each other again and now he is here." Mason said with tears in her eyes. They must of been very close before.

"I'm very sorry for interrupting what ever is that you guys where doing but I just wanted to say hello to Mason. My flight leaves in a hour." Spencer said before giving Mason one last hug.

Mason's pov

I just saw my brother for the first time in about 4 years, for 5 minutes. This hug is going to be the last hug I get from him for a long time.

"Why are you leaving so soon Spencer? It's been ages since we last saw each other. Why not stay for a bit and catch up?" I asked my brother.

"Sorry Mason finding you was harder than expected, I've been in London for a week and I have a job to get back to, but I'm still back in Georgia so if you want to come back at anytime the door is open." He replied. "Sometime soon I'll come back ok. Although come visit soon."

With that he left. With me confused standing at the door of what to do. As soon as Spencer left the food came. At least the food is here right? No. As much as I love food, this is something food can't patch up.

I walked up the stairs forgetting about the food for the first time and just laid on my bed ignoring Josh trying to call me down to eat. My brother just came to tell me that he is back home and left me with tears because I'm so far away from him and he left me with out his contact information. Should I go home and see him? Should I stay here and forget? I can't forget when he just showed up randomly. So many thoughts surrounded my head that u didn't even realize JJ walk in the room.

"Mason come on you have to eat with us."

"I'm not hungry anymore eat with out me."

"I can't do that and you know that. Come on Mason ether you get up and go down stairs or I will drag you."

"I know you won't do that."

"Try me."

I still didn't get up, I didn't even look up when he walked in. JJ picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and walked down stairs. I didn't protest considering last time he did that and I was locked outside, in the rain. Fun. He sat me down on a stool and placed a plate of food in front of me.

"Eat it please. It's your favorite."

I told them when they first ordered food that my favorite food was spaghetti and almost every time they order food out they get me it. As tempting it is to eat the food I'm just not hungry.

"I'm not hungry JJ I'll eat it later," I said and got up.

"If you don't eat it later I will hunt you down and make you to eat it ok?" I nodded in agreement.

I walked back upstairs and feel face first on the bed. I had a recording session with April and Hannah in a hour or so, but how can I go record with them when I have so much on my mind. Maybe I can cancel last minute. No, I can't do that I haven't posted all week and I have nothing really else todo. I can take a nap before the session though. Yeah maybe that would get some of the things out of my mind.

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