Chapter 31

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Mason's Pov

Time to back to school! So excited! Note the sarcasm, well mostly sarcasm. I want to get to school to use Tyler's phone. I really miss the internet. Currently I'm in the car with Josh lecturing me so he doesn't have to come and pick me up. Him and the rest of the guys are doing something after he drops me off. Josh pauses in the middle of his lecture to make sure that i was paying attention.

"Mason! Are you even paying attention to what I'm saying? I don't have the time to come back and pick you up as soon as I drop you off. Okay, be good at school." He said while pulling up to school.

"Alright Josh, I'll see you later. Have fun doing the ting with everyone else." I responded and Josh drove way.

I walked across campus to the tree that Tyler, Brock, and I sit under till school starts when I hear a lot of whispering.

"She was the one who beat up Matthew"

"I've heard she got kicked out of her old school."

"Maybe that's why she moved to London."

Great rumors, I walk faster to the tree to see Brock their already. He sees me as I walk up.

"Hey Mason! It's nice to have you back here, it hasn't been the same." He greeted as I sat down.

"Thanks Brock it feels good to be back." We chat for about 7 minutes until Tyler shows up breathless.

"Matt-hew is com-ing for-you." He said struggling to say the words.

"I can't deal with him if he wants to fight, everyone is out and I can't stand staying at the house for another week." I say getting up to leave. "You guys coming with or going to stay?"

"Where you going?" Brock questions.

"Library it's quiet there and he wouldn't go." I finish and Brock got up getting ready to leave.

"Let's go." Tyler said


Tyler's pov

We just left the library to go to class. Matthew was pissed off when I saw him this morning to a point where he went up to me and shoved me down to get information on where Mason is. I never gave it to him so it's not a problem. As we all walk to first period talking about who was better Mario or Luigi from Super Mario Bros we get interrupted by a kid running towards us.

"Are you Mason L/N?" She nods slowly, "You are needed in the office now." And the kid runs off, odd.

"What do they want from me now." Mason sighs as she turns to give the both of us hugs. "Don't get in to trouble you two. Okay?"

"Yes mom." Brock and I say sarcastically and hugging Mason back. She turns and waves at us while she walks towards the office. I'm starting to wonder why the office would want to see Mason again, and why they didn't just call the class and have the teacher send her up when she got to class? This is starting to seem fishy.

Mason's pov

As I start walking to the office I hear more of that whispering.

"Did you hear that she got with Tyler and Brock?"

"Yea and I heard that she is also trying to get to Craig to."

"Really wow what a slut."

It's so nice to be the word around the school, sarcasm intended. I thought it would be normal to go back to school but I guess not. Now is the time where drama starts I guess. I walk in to the office and ask the lady what happened for me to come to the office, she directed me to a room and told me to sit their and wait. Questioning why I'm in this room alone when the door opens, reviling Matthew. The last person I wanted to see today. We both gave each other sickening looks and looked away from each other when the office lady said "Neither of you students are leaving this room until you fix the hatred towards each other." And left.

We didn't look at each other until I got fed up with it and said "What is your problem? We where both fine on our own and then you start this! I don't want to be in here and I know you don't ether!"

"This would of never happened if you didn't take my friends from me!" He yelled at me.

"I didn't do anything to cause your friends leaving, that was on you being a trash friend."

"I can't stand you, Okay! You get everyone to like you with out trying! Even Craig thought about joining in with you guys along with half of the school." He paused,"I can't handle that everything wasn't how it was before."

I walked closer to him and slapped him across the face. "You really thinks that's a problem, that everyone wants to be my friend? It's really not, everyone today were spreading rumors about me, Tyler, and Brock. It's not okay to just be like this since no one is perfect."

"Matthew looked at me and put out his hand,"Let's agree to put this behind us but stay away from each other in school."

I hold my arms out instead for a hug," Agree, I don't do hand shakes only hugs." I say and hug Matthew. He hugs back instantly and we stand their for a minute. We slowly back away when Matthew did something. He slowly came closer to my face and kissed me then quickly ran out the door heading to class. I stood there in shock. What the fuck just happened.

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