Chapter 24

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Vikk's pov

Josh, Simon, Mason, JJ, and I just recorded and posted a video saying that we have Mason now and to not be mad at us for keeping it a secret for a long time(it's been about 2 and a half months). Today I'm going out to film something very secret, and I'm vlogging my time there. Mason is down stairs eating breakfast while I'm starting the vlog.

"Hey guys it's me! Vikkstar123 and today we are going out into London to film a video but first." I walk down the stairs to Mason eating some cereal. "Lets take you to school. What are you eating?" I put down the camera.

"Cereal. You?"

"Are you eating it in a cup?" I say while grabbing a bowl and getting my own cereal "Why in a cup?"

"Why not? Plus I like to eat it in a cup so you wouldn't look stupid drinking the milk."

"Fair enough." We ate our cereal, I gave her lunch, and off to places we go.

I grab my camera "Bye Mason! Have fun at school."

"Bye" she said and disapaered in the crowd of students

"Off to the secret place to film now!"

Mason's pov

School. Fun! Note sarcasm. It's not that school is bad or anything but I just really don't want to go. Being around a ton of strangers learning things that won't really be useful to us in the future doesn't sound like the best way to spend my teen years. Plus that video that the guys put out about me being with them would bring me to be "popular" or everyone just asking really weird or annoying questions about the guys. I guess Tyler could protect me from all of them but not really considering we have two classes together. This day is going to be interesting for sure.

~le time skip to lunch~

I was walking to the lunch room and I see Tyler and Brock sitting at the table. Brock I'm not sure what side he's on but if he joins us then that would be fun, more people the better. Brock sees that I'm walking over and waves at me which I gladly return. It's so nice to have good friends.

"Hey Mason, has anyone bugged you about the video yet?" Tyler asked while I was grabbing my lunch.

"In between classes people kept asking questions but other than that nah I'm good."

"What video?" Brock asks

"The guys at the house uploaded a video that explains I live with them and to not be mad that they kept it a secret for so long."

"How long have you been living with them?"

"Uh. Two and a half months."

"Does JJ keep you awake when he records?"

"Nope, he record when I'm at school or out of the house. Any other questions?"

"I have a ton but I don't want to annoy you with them."

Tyler gave me a look saying he is with us now and it's probably best to answer the questions. "It's fine ask away." I say while taking a bite in to my sandwich.

"Who is the loudest in the house? Who takes you to school? Do you play games with them? Will you? Have you meet all of them? Could I meet them with you? Is it hectic living in that house? Will you record-" Tyler cut him off their.

"I think that's enough questions for one day." I nod in agreement

"But to answer your questions. JJ is the loudest but next to him is Vikk, he also takes me to school and drives me back most of the time, I do not play games with them nor will I play with them, I've met all but Harry, I don't think you could anytime soon, and it really isn't that hectic in the house." I finish and throw away my trash. The bell rings for next class and we all go our separate ways for class.

~le quick time skip to end of day still Mason's pov~

I was waiting for Josh to come pick me up today when Brock came up running to me.

"Can I ask one last question from you before you leave."

"I have a bit of time to kill so why not, shoot."

"Why do you wear that necklace everyday?"

The necklace that Dean gave me before he left for Massachusetts. I haven't forgotten about the promise we made but I don't really want to talk about it with anyone I don't really know yet. Not even Tyler, April, or Hannah knows about it.

"I can't answer that question sorry." As if on queue Josh pulled up and asked for me to hurry and get in the car.

"Maybe another time I'll answer that question." I smile at him and get into the car driving away and leaving Brock to question everything.


Man it's been a while sense I updated. Sorry about that my phone cracked, computer virus, and school takes up a ton of my time. So now I'm writing on my iPad. If there is tons of mistakes sorry I tried my best to fix them and I don't even know how many of you wonderful people read these author notes but for those who do. High five. Anyways I'll try and get another chapter up soon but no promises


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