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Scarlet updated her status:
YAY! I'm finally free from Luna! I'm soooo happy! I missed you all so much!
Winter liked this.


Wolf: So good that you're back Scar! I heart you!

Scarlet: I love you too Wolf!

Cress: Oh My God! That is so adorable! Captain T why don't you ever do this?

Thorne: I don't compute!

Iko: Hey, that's my line!

Cinder: Guys can you stop having a virtual makeout session!
Kai liked this.

Wolf: What, like the one you and Kai had last week when you told him you are Selene?
Cress and 2 others liked this.

Cinder: I don't compute!
Kai liked this.

Winter: GUYS! We need Jacin to complete the Lunar gang!

Thorne: That's the thing that has been bothering me. You guys are part/ fully Lunars and Kai and I are Eartherns. It should be called Captain T's gang.
Kai liked this.

Kai: One thing is for sure: We're not picking Jacin up until he apologises. Until then he's a jerk.

Jacin: Awww. Pwety pwease rescue me!

Levana The Great: Have you forgotten who you're working for, boy? Last time I checked you were mine.

Jacin: (O_O)

Me: I feel like I haven't put up anything forever. Finally got on top of all my homework. I'm reading Allegiant SO PLEASE DON'T SPOIL ME!!! I know what happens at the end but I don't want the details spoiled. The duel POVs are super annoying and drag on forever. Anyway, rant over, if you have not already done so and if you're a Potterhead and Demigod then please check out my crossover. I've nearly hit 1K and when I do hit 1K I'll update both fanfics with lots of new chapters [and probably change the cover to something that is more relevent to the story]! Thanks so much for reading and I'll see you next time!

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