Strange new world

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I was launched out of the portal a smacked into a mare.(I could tell by the sound of her "oof!")
"Sorry.." I said as I looked up.
That was not a pony. This "thing" stood on two legs, had no muzzle and her ears were on the side of her head and smaller.
I scooted back and grabbed a nearby rock.
"Stay back or."
"Relax! I'm not going to hurt you." Said the thing. She helped me up. Then I wobbled and fell back down.
"What the!?" I said as I looked at myself.
"What am I?!" I screamed.
"Snow diamond, your a human." The thing looked at me with concern.
"How do you know my name..."
"Twilight sparkle wrote to me about what happened. And I'm sunset shimmer by the way." She said.
"Oh your sunset. Well yes. So what do I do while I'm here?" I asked.
"I have arranged for you to stay with principal celestia." Sunset said.
"Wait there is a celestia here? Does that mean there's a twilight here or a Fluttershy or..."
"Slow down" sunset chuckled nervously."I will tell you about it on our way"
She told all about human life and everyone had a double.
"There must be a double of me here!" I said.
"Well celestia didn't have a child because her husbands from equestria." Sunset told me.
"My dad was killed in a battle to protect me." I said sadly.
Sunset shimmer put a, um. I will just call them human hooves. Well she put a human hoof on my shoulder as we walked up the pathway to a pair of iron gates guarding a white mansion. Well I kinda crawled.
Sunset knocked on the door with her human hoof as the door opened. It was. My mother. Well in a Human form.
"Hi snow diamond come on in." Said celestia.
I crawled in to the large white mansion. I gasped as I said in awe, "is this where I'm staying?" I said.
"Yes, royals deserve best." Sunset said."
I knew I had to Learn all I can in this world. Mainly since I couldn't go home until I can make a spark. I had no idea what kind of spark.
How could I fit In such a place? It had no magic or Pegasi or ponies. I was clueless. Just What could I do to go back home?

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