Where are you?

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(Back to snow diamond's POV)
I spent some time with my father getting to know him. He is one of the highest level unicorns. He likes vanilla ice cream with lots and lots of gumdrops? Okay I will admit that does seem a little gross.
He had a sister like in celestia's journal. But they don't know what happened to her and their niece Ariana blaze. I had a wonderful morning. I wanted so badly to reunite with my parents but I had to remember the task at hand. When I went to school later that day, the halls were filled with discordant augments about the silliest things. The dazzlings were obviously loving every moment. If they gained full control, everyone would be become total mindless zombies!
I worked double time, studying and studying. Of course I found nothing. Was I ever going to get home?
Later at my house I was brushing my silky blue ice-colored hair. Just one look at my father and you can tell I got my twinkly blue eyes and ice hair from him. I mainly got my magic levels from my mom along with my white skin. I guess that was a pretty lucky mix. And dad! He was so in love with mom that I thought I would throw up. It was so romantic though.
My look was so pretty! I wore my necklace of course. Yes the dazzlings were after it, but I will need it. I texted sunset to pick me up.
Me: pick me up at 7
Sunset shimmer:kk
Sunset shimmer:iskdhvelshdg
Me: sunset?
I knew sunset didn't type random letters. I don't think any one types random letters.
She must have accidentally pressed a few keys.
7 rolled around and no sunset. After an hour I had my dad drive me. During the show he was going to talk to principal celestia. The show was starting because the mindless crowds applause.
"We are the dazzlings!" Said adagio.
"We are gonna destroy seven lucky girls today!" Said sonata.
I ran to the stage as fast as I could, my heart pounding fast.
I gasped as I saw what was there.
Sunset shimmer and all her friends were tethered to a metal pole on stage. I had to stop them.

Daughter of the Alicorns 2: Princess of HarmonyWhere stories live. Discover now