Final battle

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"Adagio! As princess of equestria I command you release them!" I said loud and firm.
"We are not in equestria! So shut up!" Adagio screamed.
The dazzling ran off the stage in the direction I the wondercolts statue which was my way home. I quickly untied the others and ran after them. When I got there, I saw adagio with a sledge hammer.
I gasped.
"Okay miss princess! I got a deal for you. If you give us your necklace, we won't destroy this world. If you don't, this portal will get smashed to pieces." Adagio snarled. Her friends laughed wickedly as I bit my lip.
I had to make a choice and if i don't choose both worlds would fall.
Why was this so hard? I mean I never really cared about this world. Or did I? I then remembered my father's advice,
"Only when you let true friendships in"
Friendship. Something I don't have. Or so I had thought.
"Adagio. Necklaces don't always have the power your looking for! I had to make a spark. But I did and failed to see it." I yelled as I smashed my necklace on the ground breaking it.
"Grrr!!" She snapped as she smashed the portal.
"I had the spark. The spark of friendship!" As soon as I said that I started to transform, growing pony ears, sprouting alicorn wings and my hair extending into a long flowing tail. Adagio looked scared for a second. All of the girls started to glow and pony up too. I grabbed their hands as I felt a burst of energy flow out. A giant rainbow violently crashed down on the dazzlings. When the smoke cleared the dazzlings were gone.
"You did the right thing accepting our friendship." Said apple jack.
"Ooh that tiara is just stunning!" Said rarity.
I reached up and felt a tiara resting on my head. I looked at the blue stone similar to the one in my necklace.
I hugged the girls as the students started to fill the front schoolyard. Then with magic the portal pieced back together! I ran over and touched the cool white surface. Yes! My hand slipped through! I could go home!
We first had a victory/goodbye party courtesy of pinkie pie. I said my goodbyes hugging everyone.
"Ready to go sweetheart?" My dad asked gently.
"Just hang on" I said as I ran back to my new friends.
"So will you come to visit us?" Said sunset.
"Of course! Thanks for everything." I said as we did a finally group hug. With one final wave, me and my father slipped through the portal to home.
We popped out of the portal. I lead dad to the library that twilight is usually in. Of course she was reading a book about magic.
"Twilight!" I said joyfully.
She got up and laughed.
"Snow diamond! Your back! And who is..."
"He's my long lost father." I said proudly.
I explained how he wasn't dead and was actually banished.
"I'm starting to think that's Equestria's trash dump." She said flatly as she ran to get Celestia (Who teleported in five minutes later).
At the sight of her husband, it seemed like something out of a romantic movie. She hugged him while crying.
"Is canterlot ready to know?"

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