Adjusting to humanity

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I was going to start school! Canterlot high school. I spent the weekend learning to walk. I felt like an outsider. Mainly I was an outsider. I was a pony princess from equestria. I couldn't go back until I could get a spark. The pieces of the portal had a part that somehow ended up in my possesion. It was the gem of my necklace. It would allow me to travel back through the portal, when the spark was made. I should stop babbling about magic science. Life for me was never easy. I went to my metal box thing that I couldn't remember the name of. I bumped into another girl. Twilight sparkle?
"There's a twilight here too?" I said.
She pushed up her glasses.
"Oh you must be snow diamond." She said with a warm smile.
We chatted until the bell rang(which was ten seconds later).There was so much to learn! In science, I think I failed. I didn't recognize the chemicals since we didn't have most of them in equestria. I felt safe but with a sneaking suspicion that nightmare moon was still at her dirty tricks.
At lunch I easily found sunset shimmer. As I carried my tray I crashed into someone. Then landed face first in my fruit bowl. I think I fell on a guy. As my head swirled dizzily I felt off balance. As I looked up I saw a kind face. This guy had a yellowish skin and navy blue hair.
"Are you okay?" He said as he lifted me on my feet by my waist.
"I think so." I whispered as I reached to wipe my face off.
"Here let me help you" he said as he took a napkin and wiped my cheek gently like an artist painting a delicate portrait.
My eyes twinkled brightly.
"Um thanks." I said as I went to get a new lunch.
I made it to the table safe and sound. I began to observe my food. Something brown in between pieces of bread,with cheese.
I bent down and took a bite. As i chewed I saw everyone else staring at me with a weird look on their faces.
I then spit out the burger and chuckled.
"I guess that's not how I am supposed to eat here." I said as a wave of embarrassment swept over me.
"It's okay silly willy! You just need to adjust!" Said the pink haired girl with pink skin.
"Maybe I should introduce you to my friends." Sunset said sheepishly.
After the introduction I knew all their names.
"Well snow diamond, since your going to be with us, you want me to teach you some sports?" Said rainbow dash.
"Or Me and pinkie could show you how to make some apple-tastic deserts!" Applejack exclaimed.
So many new choices!
"Welcome to canterlot high." Said sunset.

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