Seeking the answers

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I went around from person to person trying to calm them down. But they wouldn't listen. I then saw sunset shimmer run in out of breath.
"Snow diamond! The dazzlings...your magic..." She panted.
It was then clear what they were here for. They were going to steal my magic! I wondered if nightmare moon put them up to this. The elements. I had no time to think on this. Three dangerous. Creatures were out to maim me all in less than a week.
I didn't want to be destroyed! I wouldn't. I wasn't going down without a fight. I told sunset my plan. They had to use the elements. But that didn't work. The dazzlings cursed the elements! And even worse they Imprisionded them. In me. Ever since I left equestria I never could bring out my magic to defend myself. I had to get the answers. So I borrowed sunset's magic book so I could get in touch with twilight sparkle.
Dear twilight,
As a fellow princess I need your help. It's the dazzlings their back. They also cursed the elements. Only i can control them at the moment. I don't know how magic works here though...
In a few minutes I saw words appear on the page.
Hey snow diamond
I don't know what I can do. I guess I never thought the dazzlings would come back. Try reading. That's what I do.
I read the page at least a dozen times before it finally sank in. I was on my own. So doing what she said, I went to the chs library. After 2 whole hours I found nothing. It was a lost cause.
"I'm doomed." I muttered to myself.
I just went back to my temporary home.
At night, I couldn't sleep. Not one bit. The fate of this world as well as my own rested on my shoulders. What kind of princess would I be if I let two whole worlds fall!?
I went out to the patio in the back. I saw a figure sitting In the chair. I walked out cautiously as the figure glanced in my direction.
"Oh snow diamond! Didn't know you would be up too."
It was celestia's husband. The one from equestria.
"I'm just curious. How are you from equestria?" I asked.
"Well it was around the time you would be a baby. I was fighting to protect my ray of light from an evil pony who wanted to steal my child's power. I got sent here in the fight." His blue eyes twinkled similar to mine.
"I had found out I was a princess. My father just was assumed dead." I said.
"What's wrong?"
"Well it's the sirens. They cursed the elements to me. I don't know how to activate the spark!" I said.
"Well the elements of harmony is the form of friendship. Only when you let true friendship in." He said.
"Wait. What is your name?" I asked.
"Sky dancer."
"That was..." I began.
"Snow diamond? It really is you!" He said grasping me in a hug.
"Your my father!" I said joyfully as a tear fell down my face.
"Don't cry sweetheart. Now that we are together we won't be separated again."
I finally found my father, another piece of my heart.

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