Dirty tricks

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Narrators POV
"I absolutely hate living in an apartment!" Said adagio banging on the countertop.
"If only those Rainbooms hadn't defeated us," said sonata.
"Ugh how are we going to regain our magic?" Aria yelled.
"Maybe I could help..."
The three sirens turned around startled to see a pony face in their mirror.
"I can help you regain all your power if you help me." Said the pony.
"Who are you?" Adagio said.
"I'm nightmare. Nightmare moon. I need your help..." She said.
"With what..."
"My precious niece snow diamond is with your enemies the Rainbooms. I can give you all the power you want as long as you destroy snow diamond and steal her magic."  Said nightmare moon.
"Hmm sounds good." Said Aria.
"I guess we got a deal nightmare." Said adagio as her reddish lips curled into a smile.
Nightmare moon focesed her energy on the three girls. They felt their red pedants appear on their necks again.
"Ok girls let's head back to canterlot high..."

"Ok snow diamond raise the poster a bit higher." Said sunset.
I stretched my feet up and tacked the poster to the wall.
"The re-musical showcase is going to go perfect. The dazzlings were suspended for a while." Sunset said.
"Um the dazzlings? Who are-"
I was cut of by the school bell.
"Gotta run!" Sunset said as we dashed of to class. I decided to skip my question. I had nothing to worry about. When the day was over i went to principal celestia's office. She was eating a piece of cake while talking to a teacher.
I personally thought that was a bit rude.
"Snow diamond!" She said as she gestured for me to come over.
"Miss crescendo this is my um, daughter snow diamond."
Said celestia introducing me
"Yes hello." I said shyly.
"So any way celestia, this musical show case, must go great." Miss crescendo said as she left.
"Why don't you go to sugar cube corner cafe?" Said celestia as she stuffed some papers in a drawer.
"Um ok." I said.
Outside the door, sunset was waiting.
"I'm gonna go to my locker before we leave." She said.
"Ok meet me in front of the school." I said.
She waved then ran off. I was alone in the quiet hallway. Then three girls showed up. One with purple and green pigtails, one with curly orange hair, and one with a blue ponytail.
"Hi! Do you know where principal celestia is?" Said the orange haired girl as she touched her ruby pendant.
"Yeah. She is in her office." I answered.
"Yay thanks!" Said the blue haired girl.
As I walked to the school front entrance I thought about those girls. They seemed nice. I didn't find anything unusual.
I went outside and about a minute later sunset comes running out.
"Ready to go?" She said.
I nodded excitedly.
"Alright let's go" said sunset as her friend rarity pulled up in a shiny white and purple car. I hopped in and buckled up. We drove of towards the cafe.

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