Tips and tricks

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I had successfully found both my parents!
In celestia's journal I had read about him. She was right. He was handsome. Even as a human. I still had more of my past to uncover. Well I hadn't know until later that night when I was finally tired.
I saw a misty figure in a twinkling blue setting. I had read about this place before. It's a dream realm. Well a blurry one. The figure came closer and closer. It was princess Luna!
"My precious niece snow diamond, I finally meet you." Said Luna.
"Aunt Luna? You know?" I whispered.
"My sister was desperate to contact you. Even I don't have long to talk." She muttered.
"What do you need?"
"Your alicorn abilities can let you see the past. Use it to help you find your way." Said Luna as she faded away.
"Princess Luna?" I said as a light started to blind me...
"Luna?" I said sitting up. I could see the past. But how... I tried to close my eyes. But wait. No magic. I definitely have magic here otherwise Luna wouldn't be able to communicate with me. But I couldn't make it work. Frustrated I gave up and put on some clean clothes. I had to find a way to save everything. I couldn't bear to think that an entire nation-sized kingdom rested on my shoulders. It wasn't the best feeling obviously. Once I finished my mission here I could relax. School was not enjoyable. Not in the usual way, but in the way where your forced to listen to an opera. By opera I mean the dazzlings' hypnotic pop tunes. Everyone was giving them lots of power. Even though this battle of the bands business wasn't true. They were basically gonna perform, gain enough power and destroy me along with stealing my magic to give to nightmare moon. If she got her hooves on my powers I don't know what would be left of equestria.
I was practically in tears while my host parent was in a zombie like daze.
"Um snow?" Said sunset.
I instantly wanted to take back my words but It was too late. Sunset just walked away sadly. I don't need her! I don't need any of them! I can just fulfill my mission on my own.
Sunset shimmer's POV
I felt so hurt when she screamed at me like that. The first time I actually try to make a friend in her. Just fail. I knew the dazzlings mix with homesickness was overwhelming. Well I had the same expiriences. If only she could understand she is not alone...
Tomorrow night was the performance. We had to do something. But apparently the dazzlings had thought ahead for once.

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