Meeting MDE

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So I just finished watching MDE's new video and can I just said that Kyle's hair is always on point. I just wanna snuggle into it and it just makes me happy! Oh, and it's Ava's p.o.v today!



It was a surprise when I saw who that text was from. When I got the text from Shannon to meet her again, I was so excited! I guess you can say that I kinda have a crush on Shannon. Okay, screw that. I think I'm falling hard and fast for her. And as cheesy as it sounds, I loved her from the moment I laid my eyes on her. But anywhore, right now I'm at a park by their apartment building where she said that she would meet me.

"Hey, Shannon! I like the new hair style.", I say. She runs up to me and hugs me.

"Thanks! So whatcha been doing? Oh, and what happened to your glasses?" She asks me, curious. I smiled and said, "Nothing much. Just excited to finally meet your friends! And I wear contacts now." She just nodded and smiled.

She took my hand and led me into the building and opens a door to a place. When I get in, I see one girl with about seven guys, all trying to sit on the couch.

"What's up guys?", Shannon said loud to get their attention. They look at us and smile. "You must be Ava! I've heard so much about you! I'm Bryan.", the boy with blonde scene hair says kinda loud and makes a hand gesture to himself.

Shannon groans and says annoyed, "Alex?! You told them?!"

The girl, whom I assume is Alex, looked guilty but said, "I only told Damon!"

A boy with glasses and green hair stood up dramatically and said, "You ALL know I can't keep secrets so don't even try to blame me for ruining the surprise!"

I laughed while they all sighed. A tall boy with brown hair and a short boy with black hair came up to me."Hi!! You seem really nice and cool. My name's Kyle and that's Johnnie! ", he says while pointing to the other boy. Johnnie smiled and waved at me. "Sup."

"Thanks and you guys seem cool too.", I say.

Then another boy comes up to me and hugs me. "Hi! I'm Jordan Sweeto! But you can call me Dan or Yoshi.", he smiles. I laugh and say, "You like Pokémon too?!" He gasped and says,"I don't like it! I love it!" I laugh some more and look at Shannon.

Shannon sighs and says, "And that lazy bum over there is Jeydon." She talking about the guy that is on the floor sleeping in an awkward position. 

"If he ever makes you mad just say he looks like Justin Bieber.", she whispered the last sentence. I laugh and say my name which they already knew so it really didn't matter.

"So what do you guys do for fun?", I ask. They look at each other and shrug. 

"Well I mean we do YouTube videos if that's an activity?", Bryan says. I widened my eyes and said, "Can I be in one of your videos?"

They laugh and nod. Bryan's phone rang so he answers it outside. I wonder who he's talking to? He came back in smirking.

"Hey, Ava? How you feel if I said you could meet Black Veil Brides?" I repeat yes over and over again.

"Wait how did you get Andy and the rest to agree to this?", Kyle asks. Bryan smirks, "They asked me to interview them. Plus they owe me one. Oh, and you guys can come if you want." We all jumped with excitement and laughed.

"And maybe we could do some other  things, Kyle.", Johnnie whispers to Kyle making him blush.

I was sitting right next to them so I heard him. I screamed on the inside with my inner fangirl taking over. I must have looked weird because Shannon noticed that I wasn't paying attention to the plans and that I was tense. She asked, "Why are you so tense?"

"I think I heard Johnnie flirting with Kyle!", I whispered to her. Shannon widened her eyes and grinned almost as big as Cheshire the cat.

"#KOHNNIE!", Shannon yelled making us all look at her like she was crazy.

We all looked at Johnnie and Kyle while they just blushed. I probably shouldn't have had said anything but too late. All we all had a conversation about how they'd make a great couple and after that, it was already midnight.

It was too dark to drive home so I just slept with Shannon (a/n: I know what your thinking and you have a dirty mind ;3 ) I insisted that she let me sleep on the couch but she said that their guest needs care so I went along with it.

I didn't have any spare clothes with me so I asked Shannon if she had so extras I could borrow. She had some and gave me them. I took a shower and changed then walked back to the room. Shannon was already in bed, checking her phone.

"Hey Shannon.", I said.

She looked to me and said, "Yeah?"

I smiled,"Thanks for being a good friend."

She smiled and said,"No problem, Ava." Then she turned to where her back was turned to me. I made sure she was asleep and whispered, "I love you."


I bet you're happy that I put Andy Biersack & Kohnnie in here huh. Don't cha lie to me I see everything.


Shannon x Female Reader:Lesbian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now