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Oh my gosh!! This is the last chapter. I will miss this story!! ;-;

My heart is broken in a million emo pieces....


Third persons p.o.v

******Two months later******

Today was Shannon's and Ava's wedding day. Dylan moved in with Bryan and Johnnie and he was in a relationship with Damon, Andy apologized for causing drama and finally left Shannon and her fiancée alone for good, Angie, who was Ava's second closest friend, was dating Bryan, Stephanie was asked out by Jeydon and said 'yes' and last but not least Alex is started to have feelings for Jordan so you could say that everyone was happy.

They had told their parents about the wedding and they agreed to come. Their families and friends were there to celebrate the special day.

Ava was in her dressing room getting ready. She was going to wear a red, lace dress with black heels and a white flower crown. She had a bouquet with red and black roses in her hand.

Shannon was wearing a black, lace dress with red heels and a silver flower crown. She had a bouquet with red and white roses.

Both were nervous yet anxious to marry their soul mates. Ava was at the alter with Stephanie as her maid of honor and some of her friends were bridesmaids as her bridesmaid. They all were wearing black and red dresses with red lipstick.

Shannon had Alex as her maid of honor and the boys as her bridesmaids or whatever you would call them... Alex was wearing a silver and red dress while boys were wearing black suits with silver ties.

Pierce The Veil's song 'Kissing in cars' starting play and Shannon started walking down the white aisle. Ava looked at Shannon and saw nothing but love radiating off of her aura.

Once Shannon got to the alter,they looked at each other and smiled. The priest started saying his speech then after he was done he said, "May I have the rings."

Dylan brought the rings up and gave them to the priest. He turned to Shannon then to Ava and smiled genuinely then nodded. The priest gave a ring to Ava and said,"Do you, Ava Marie, take Shannon Taylor to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Ava smiled at Shannon and slipped the ring on her finger and said,"I do"

The priest looked at Shannon and gave her the ring and then said,"And do you, Shannon Taylor, take Ava Marie to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Shannon looked over at the people in the crowd and saw everyone of them smiling. Her mom and dad both looked at her and gave her a thumbs up. She grinned as she turned back towards Ava and slipped her ring Ava's finger, "I most definitely do."

The priest smiled and said,"You may now kiss the bride." They didn't waste anytime connecting their lips together and shared a passionate kiss with each other. The crowd stood and cheered as they walked down the aisle hand in hand, smiling brightly.

*********Four years later*********

Ava and Shannon were still happily married. Shannon still did YouTube videos while Ava worked at a music company. They lived in a two story house that was across the street from Stephanie. Since they couldn't have kids, they decided they to adopt two little kids. The eldest one was a boy and his name was Hunter. His little sister, Maddie, was five while her big brother was seven.

Today was Christmas and the girls have presents waiting for the kids. "Guys!! Come see please!",they yelled. The kids came running down the stairs. "Yeah?", Hunter asked. Maddie ran up to Shannon and she put Maddie on her hip. "Well you know that Santa passed yesterday right?", Ava asked.

Hunter and Maddie nodded happily. Ava and Shannon walked into the living room and they had lots of presents under the tree. "Yay!!",they yelled.

They ran to the tree and got a gift to open. Shannon sat down on the couch with Ava on her lap. Hunter opened his first gift and it was a bed sized squidgy that Of Mice & Men had gave to them when they were interviewed by Bryan two months earlier."Yay! Squidgy!!",Hunter giggled.

Maddie then opened her gift to see an old, rotten banana peel in the box. She looked up at her moms' and she tilted her head to the side. "I don't...understand?", she said looking confused. Shannon then started laughing and the three looked at her. "Did you give her that?", Ava said in a scolding way. Shannon nodded and was slapped on the arm by Ava. "Ow....", she said as she rubbed her arm and went get Maddie's real gift.

She came back and gave the gift to Maddie. She ripped the paper open and saw it was a ballerina outfit. She squealed and hugged the box to her chest. The two kids opened the rest of the gifts and went put them in their rooms.

Maddie told Ava that she had wanted to swing outside on the swing set. Ava nodded and helped her put her coat and beanie on. Maddie ran and hopped on the swing and started swinging high. Her long, curly brown hair swaying back and forth each time. Ava laughed softly and went in the kitchen to fix hot cocoa.

"Mama!!", Maddie yelled from the backyard, crying all of a sudden. Ava came running to her side and asked,"What's wrong, sweetheart?!"

Maddie looked up at her with her tear filled blue eyes and whimpered, "I fell and now I have a cut on my knee!" Ava cooed at the distressed child and put Maddie on her hip. "Why don't we go inside and fix your boo-boo?", she said smiling. Maddie nodded and wiped her eyes with her hand.

Ava sat Maddie on the counter in the kitchen and went to get a Dora Band-Aid. While she was doing that, Shannon was upstairs helping Hunter get his shoe from under the bed. "Mom...what's taking so long?", he asked pouting. Shannon rolled her eyes and said,"Well for starter's, it pitch black under here and second of all don't rush me ya lazy cat." Hunter giggled at her response and waited.

Shannon felt around the area under the bed and soon she felt an object that was hard. "Aha!",Shannon said and got up. "Here ya go little man!", she said handing Hunter his shoe. Hunter smiled then he hugged his mother tightly,"Thank you, mom!"

Shannon laughed and then said,"No problem, kiddo. Let's go see what Mama and Maddie are doing." Hunter ran out of his room and ran down to the kitchen. Shannon followed after him and saw him waiting for her at the kitchen door. She rustled his dirty blonde hair and carried him in the kitchen.

"Hey baby!", Ava said as she kissed Shannon. She kissed back and smiled. "Ewww..." Hunter and Maddie gagged. Their moms' laughed. "Mom! Mama! Look!", Maddie said as she started squealing happily.

They all looked outside and saw that it was snowing which is very, very rare in California. Hunter yelled,"Yay!! It's snowing! Can we go build a snowman?! Please!!"

Shannon looked at Ava, who just shrugged and smiled. "Sure!" Both kids giggled and ran back upstairs to get their winter clothes on. "Hey!! Don't run so fast!!!", Shannon yelled after the kids.

They both sighed and leaned against the counter top. "So...is this a Christmas miracle or what?", Ava said laughing. "I would beg to differ but you have proof outside.", Shannon said laughing too. "But you know..you're the best Christmas present I could ever ask for.", Shannon said pecking Ava's lips. Ava laughed and grabbed Shannon's cheeks to kiss her again but deeper.

For the rest of the day the family played outside until the snow stopped.

******** A year later *********

Both girls still love each other deeply and along with their kids, Damon and Dylan are engaged, Bryan and Angie are married with a kid on the way, Johnnie and Kyle are married and are looking to adopt, Alex is dating Jordan but Jordan has been planning to propose to Alex soon, and Jeydon is still dating Stephanie.


Shannon x Female Reader:Lesbian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now