You do too?!

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Ava's p.o.v

I wanna meet BVB so bad! But I can't wait a few more days! Can Bryan not see that I'm practically dying over here? 

Bryan, Johnnie, Kyle, and Alex went to film a video while the others went to Starbucks. And I got bored as hell being by myself so I might as well go talk to my crush aka Shannon to pass time.

"What's up Shannon?", I asked as I saw her walking out of the bathroom. 

She looked at me with a smile on her face and she said, "Just got done dying my hair!" I swear she dyes her hair every minute. But I can't blame her for looking cool. No scratch that. I mean HOT.

I looked at it for the first time. It was a black short cut with bangs. It looked really cute on her. With those blue eyes, perfect smile, her awesome body, I could just kiss- wait! Don't get ahead of yourself Ava. You don't even know if she likes you. I bet I could...

I was cut off by Shannon waving her hand in front of my face, "Hello!! Earth to Ava! What were you thinking about?"

"Oh just about what I'm gonna wear to meet Black Veil Brides.", I laughed nervously. I could tell she knew I was lying but she accepted my excuse anyway.

"Well then let's go to Hot Topic! I haven't been there in a while.", she said. The trip to the mall was silent while Get Scared played in the background. We got to the mall in no time and we went on the escalator then walked the rest of the way to Hot Topic.

"Hey, Ava!! Look at this shirt! Omg I'm gonna fucking die!!", Shannon shrieked. The cashier gave her a look and she muttered a sorry. I scurried over and saw Shannon hugging a shirt to her chest like she would die if she let go of it. I took it from her hands and saw a picture of her and a boy with black and blue hair.

"Who's the guy?", I inquired, slightly jealous. She looked at me smiling and said, "It's my close friend, Diego, duh." 

I was still a little jealous but pushed the feeling away. I smiled and went back to the shirt of Oli Skyes I was looking at before. Anyway, I bought the T-shirt with a few band bracelets and Shannon brought her shirt and a few beanies.

"I'm starving!!", I exclaimed. Shannon laughed and said, "Awww! Come on Ava, we just got here. Can't you just wait a few more minutes."

I glared at her and said, "Shannon. I swear that if we don't get food in the next five minutes, I. Will. Eat. You." 

She stopped walking all together and looked at me crazily. "You wouldn't dare."  I smirked at her, "I'll take that dare." 

Her eyes widened and she grabbed my right hand while sprinting, "We're getting you something to eat now."

We got to the food court and went to McDonald's then we both ordered some fries with two milkshakes. A thought popped into my head and I thought of all those romantic movies I used to watch.

"Wanna share mine so you can save yours for later?", I rushed out blushing. "You don't have to sacrifice your milkshake for me.", she said. 

I chuckled and said, "No, no. I insist on my behalf of this glorious milkshake." She giggled and reluctantly stuck her straw in my milkshake. We continued to drink the shake and while we were, I stared into her eyes while she stared back into mine.

Shannon x Female Reader:Lesbian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now