The Date

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Wow! Thanks for the 2.21k+ reads you guys!!! Love all of my little sexy potatoes!! 



Shannon's p.o.v

I woke up to see Ava not by my side or anywhere in the room for that fact. "Where in the world is Ava? She was just here last night. Did she leave?", I shivered lightly because it was really cold in the room and I only had my pajama shirt and socks on. 

"Damn it! Why is it so cold?!", l groaned. I looked at the clock and saw it was 6:21 a.m. 'Dang it's really early!', I thought.

I took a shower and put my Rick and Morty shirt on with a pair of black shorts then I walked to the kitchen only to find Ava cooking breakfast. "Whatcha cooking babe?", I asked her while sitting down.

She smirked playfully and said, "Why should I tell you exactly?" I pouted and said, "Cause it smells delicious!"

"Fine ya big baby, I'm making bacon with pancakes. You hungry?" She asked me smiling playfully.

I opened my mouth to answer but my stomach answered for me by growling loudly. She laughed and put three pieces of maple bacon with two chocolate chip pancakes on my plate. I took a bit of it and moaned, "Mmmm tastes sooo good!"

I leaned over the table and kissed her with force. She was startled at first but kissed me back. I pulled away and continued to eat my breakfast with Ava.

After breakfast, Ava had left to buy us coffees at Starbucks cause we didn't know how to make coffee and we were too lazy to get it ourselves. I saw Kyle and Johnnie on the couch snuggling against each other, watching movies.

I walked over and said, "Guys I need your help with something." They looked at me and paused the movie. "Is it something to do with Ava?" 

I nodded and took a seat next to them. "I just don't know what to do about the date.", I said frustrated.

"Look I think you should just take her to a restaurant or somewhere fancy.", Kyle said shrugging. 

Johnnie said, "Yeah and if you don't like that idea just go somewhere fun like an amusement park or a carnival. Those are always fun no matter who you are." I wrote down mental notes they talked.

"Okay. I think I got it!", I said with enthusiasm. They laughed and went back to their movie. I went my room and planned the whole in my mind. I heard the door close so I figured that Ava was back.

"Shannon, I got your coffee if you want it now.", she said as walked into my room. 

"I want you though...", I mumbled under my breath. I thought I saw her smirk in the corner of my eye as she walked out.

"Ava, I have to take you somewhere so get dressed in something comfortable but yet classy!" I yelled to her. "Why?!", she yelled back. "It's a surprise!!", I laughed. "Ugh...fine. You better be happy I love you!", she yelled laughing.

~~~~Time skip:1-hour~~~~(A/N their outfits at the top!!!)

I drove us to the restaurant while Ava was blindfolded. "Are we there yet, love?", Ava whined. I giggled at her childishness. "Almost. I promise you, doll." She groaned but agreed. After five minutes of driving, we finally made it to the restaurant.

I took off Ava's blindfold and heard her gasp. "Shannon! I didn't know you could so romantic!", she giggled then she leaned over towards me and kissed me. I kissed back smiling and opened the car door for her. 

We walked up to the platform where we saw a young waitress with red and black hair waiting. "Hello! We have a reservation under Shannon Taylor."

The waitress looked at the clipboard and smiled, "Oh! I see it. I'll lead to your table." We followed her and I saw a lovely booth with roses on the table and candles. 

"Omg Shannon! It's beautiful just like you...but you didn't have to go through all of this trouble just for me!", she said while blushing.

I smiled and took her hand in mine, "I like doing special things for you! You're my little porcelain doll." She rolled her eyes and took the seat across from me.

I laughed and sat across from her. We looked at the menu for until the same waitress came back and said, "Hi! I'm Avril. Your waitress for the night. What would you guys like to drink?"

I asked for a sweet tea while Ava ordered a diet coke. Avril took the order and left. I looked over at Ava and said,"Thanks for filming that video with me! It was so much fun!" She smiled and said,"No problem. It was the girlfriend tag after all. I had to be in it!" I laughed and said,"I can't believe you didn't know I had a sister." She rolled her eyes and said,"I can't believe you didn't know that I have freckles! They're not that pale..." 

I whispered, "You are though." 

She frowned and slapped my hand, "I'm not that pale! Say that again and I won't cuddle you anymore!" 

I pouted and said, "Fine..." Avril came back with our drinks and said, "Now what would you like to eat?"

I decided to order for Ava,"We'll both have the soup special with just a side of one garden salad please." Avril wrote down our order and whispered-yelled,"I ship you guys so much! Just like Kohnnie. I just loved your new video with Ava, Shanon." I smirked and said,"Just so you know Kohnnie is real. I have proof. And also thanks! I try."

She squealed lightly and said, "How?!" 

I wrote my phone number down and handed it to her. "Just text me and I'll let you meet them if you want. You'll be their friend in no time. Just don't fangirl all over them.", I said smiling.

She took my phone number with a smile and went to get our food. I looked at Ava and smiled. She just squinted her eyes at me and looked away.

"What's wrong, doll?", I asked her. She turned towards me and she looked mad. "Why don't you just ask Avril... Since you've taken a big interest in her and you even gave her your phone number!"

I was taken back from the sudden change in attitude. I took her hand and kissed it. " know I only love you and ONLY you right? I was just being nice to her, I mean she's a fan. And plus I gave her Bryan's phone number." Her face softened and she smiled sadly. "Sorry for going off on you like that...but you're mine. Remember that, love."

I laughed and nodded, "I'm yours forever, doll." She grinned and then laughed, "And I'm yours forever, love."

"Oh and one more thing, Shannon.", she whispered. I looked at her to tell her that I'm listening. She smirked and said, "Thanks for ordering for me." I laughed and said, "No problem. "

After like 20 minutes, Avril came back and handed us our food. "Thanks a lot! I thought I would starve!", Ava said laughing. We ate our food while talking about random stuff. "Ugh..I'm so fullllll.", Ava groaned. I groaned also and paid for the food leaving a tip for Avril.

"So what's next?", Ava asked. "Well I was thinking we go home and cuddle together while watching a movie?", I said. She nodded and smiled.

We got home and we went to the living room and Ava picked out a movie. 

"Ava, what movie do you wanna watch?", I asked her. She thought about it and put in The Ring then went use the restroom. I turned off the lights and laid on the couch with the blanket covering me.

"Avaaa! Come cuddle me!", I whined.  She laughed and walked over to me. She laid by me and spooned me. Time to put my plan into action. Hehehe.


Did you ever watch a video called Hood Deer? Omg, that shit was so hilarious!! A deer was flirting with cat and the voice over was just perfection   Just go watch it, please 😆

Shannon x Female Reader:Lesbian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now