A date.

633 19 8

Castiel's POV
I walked through the halls of the school. People glance up at me every once in a while. I was the 'new kid'. I could tell I wouldn't fit in. I'm only here until dad is done with the job.

I walked into my English class. I stood at the front of the class.

"Is there anything you want to say about yourself?" Mr. Johnson asked.
"Not really" I say quietly.

He put a hand on my shoulder and pointed to an empty desk. I slid into it, looking over at the redheaded girl that sat next to me. She was staring at me and I felt a chill go down my spine.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"
"I know the perfect guy for you!" She says in a high pitched voice
"Excuse me?" I was confused.
"Dean Winchester." She says with an evil grin.
I stare at her for a good 30 seconds.
"I'm not gay."
"Please your as straight as a rainbow."

I glare over at her and turn my attention back to the front. I pretend to listen but really my thoughts are far away.

Is it really that obvious? I glance over at the girl who I Later learned was named Charlie. I had kept this a secret for years and now, some random girl in my first period knew. How?

The bell rung through out the school. Everyone got up and started to head to the door. I packed up and pushed through the crowd.

Walking in the halls is a challenge, I'm small and I dress strange and it draws attention to me.

I tug on my long tan trench coat. I feel the back of my coat, where I stitched black wings on the jacket. I had arrived at my second class. Science, ugh. In every school I've ever been in I flunked science.

I walk in late and look at everyone. The teacher stands up and walks over to me.

"Your Castiel right?"

Deans POV

I watch as the door opens and a thin boy with a trench coat, a gray t-shirt and black skinny jeans walks in. It's a weird style but it fits him. The thing I noticed right away was his eyes. They where pure blue, they clash perfectly with his dark hair and pale skin. I smirk as he was told to sit next to me.

He slides into his seat and I turn to face him. "Dean Winchester." I hold out my hand for him to shake. His eyes where as big as saucers.

" I see you have heard about me. All good things I hope." I say with a smile and a bit of a chuckle. He turns around and looks out the window.

"Damn he is cute." I hear him mutter under his breath.
"Your stunning yourself."

He goes bright red and covers his face with his hands. I laugh drawing attention to us.
"Mr. Winchester mr. Novak, quite down!"
"Sorry sir" I say sarcastically.

He glares at me and turns back to the class. I grab a piece of paper and write on it. "I'll pick you up around 6 tonight. I'm taking you out."

I pass it to him and smile. He reads it and a small grin creeps into his face. He looks over at me and gives a small nod.

The past by slowly after that. I only had one other class with Castiel. When the final bell rung I walked out of the school. I spotted cas across the yard and ran over to him.

"Hey I realized I don't know where you live. Here's my number." I handed him a slip of paper. "Text me"

I walked off and got in my baby. (My beloved black 1967 Chevy impala.) Sam was already in the passenger seat. I turn on the car and 'Heat of the moment' by Asia blasts through the speakers.

"Can we listen to actual good music?" Sam sounded annoyed.
"You love this song and you know it."
"No I don't"
"You know the rules Sammy." I say as we pull out of the parking lot.
"Driver picks the music, and shotgun shuts his cake hole."
He mimics me while rolling his eyes. I laugh.

When we finally get home I feel my phone go off in my pocket.

Unknown number:
I'm just making sure this is the right number. It's me Castiel.

Sorry I don't know you.

Unknown number:
OMG! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to disturb you.

Dude Cas, calm down. It's me Dean.

Unknown number:
Ugh! I hate you, and don't call me that!

You don't hate me.

Unknown number:
How do you know. You don't even know me.

If you hated me you wouldn't of agreed to go on a date with me.

Unknown number:
Your cute I'll give you that. Pick me up in 20 minutes.

I soon after got a text that had his address. I made a contact for him with his name as 'my future husband'. I laughed to myself and called up the stairs to Sammy.

"Sammy I'm going out. Don't wait up!"
"Don't call me that!"

I laughed and plugged Castiel's address into my phone. I bumped my head while getting my into the car and started her up. It felt good to hear my baby purr.

=========magical time skip=========

I pulled up in his driveway and was about to text him when I saw him skip out of the house.
"Sup Cas?" I asked
He gave me a hard stare and said "don't call me that."
"Sorry. What's got your panties in a bunch?"
I heard him sigh. He looked like he was about to cry.
"Hey you okay?" I asked.
"Yeah" he seemed to perk up again. "Fine"
We drove for a while and I asked him what he wanted to do. He looked over at me and smiled.
I woke up with a jump. I was in the bunker. The guns on my walls in perfect place. I ran a hand through my dirty blond hair.
"Damn that was a weird dream."

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