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It was cold, the wind biting at my nose. Sam's arm was wrapped around my waist, my head rest softly on his shoulder. We where sitting in the middle of an empty field, the sharp grass poking my hands when I rest them on the ground.

There are no lights out here, if you look up then you can see the stars, the constellations. Not like in the city. Everyone is in the city, out here it's only us and the wind, the stars, and the trees.

Sam's grip tightened around my waist and pulled me closer. He was shivering, his nose a deep cherry red.

"Sam are you cold?"
"O-only a li-little." His voice was shaken.

I instantly took my shirt off, stretched out my wings and wrapped them around Sam shielding him from the harsh wind.

"I'm your protector Sam , I guard you from everyone and everything. That includes the wind." I said matter a factly.

Sam didn't argue and melted into my wings. He curled up into my lap, his head on my shoulder.  He was about to fall asleep but I woke him up.

"Sam you can't sleep yet. Dean hasn't called and said that we found the guy that took your DNA. We can't risk him being in your head."

"Gabe. I'm so tired. Why did I take a sip out of that beer?"

"Because your stupid, that's why, but somehow I still love you." I said more to myself than to Sam

"Gabe? You, you love me?"

"Of corse I do Sam ."

"Your my angel."

Angel, angel. When he said it my heart started to race, I blushed and looked up at the stars. Angel.

The first time anyone has seen me be serious and I get a new nickname. Maybe I should do it more often... Only if I could.

Heyyyy. Sabriel! I know, your welcome. I'm great. Haha I wish. First story in a while.  Hope y'all had a great holiday season. Ok bye.

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