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This story was inspired by Angels-Of-The-Lord

Dean and cas had been dating for three months now. Dean new everything about cas, except one thing.

That one thing was bugging Dean so much. For months he was wondering about this one thing.

Now Dean knows that it's a horrible thing to ask angels about this. This thing is very special and secret to Angels.

Dean knows this, but his curiosity got the best of him. He had to ask castiel. He had to.

Dean walked into his room and prayed for castiel to come. He heard a flapping of wings and a light breeze behind him. Dean turned around and was face to face with castiel.

"Dean, you prayed" (see what I did there? Instead of 'you rang' it's 'you prayed' )

"Hey cas, um well I have a question"

"Ask away Dean"

"Okay so, I know that Angels wings are very secret and important thing to them, but I've never seen your wings except for the shadow. So can I see?"

During deans speech cas went through 3 different emotions.

1. Anger
2. Confusion
3. Love

Cas didn't say anything, just decided to act. He did what felt right to him. If his brothers and sisters found out he would definitely be killed, but for Dean he didn't care. He just couldn't say no to him.

Cas took of his trench coat and suite jacket. He unbuttoned his spotless white button up. Before slipping off his shirt he told Dean to close his eyes.

Dean did as he was told. Cas took a deep breath and pulled off his shirt. His wings spread across the whole room, knocking some stuff off of tables.

Dean saw pitch black because his eyes where closed. Dean could feel a breeze then the sharp pierce sound of breaking glass.

"What was that?" Dean asked concerned

"You can open your eyes"

Dean popped one eye open, then with shock both eyes widened.

"Cas? OMG, I never knew."

Castiel's wings where jet black, there where a couple feathers that where messed up but other than that everything was perfect.

Dean instantly reached out to touch them but castiel retracted his wings tightly against his back.

"Don't touch them" castiel said shyly

"Sorry, there beautiful Cas."

Cas blushed and spread out his wings once more. Deans fingers lightly brushed against the soft feathers.

He slowly fingered each and every feather. Cas giggled- oops sorry, I mean Cas gave out a manly laugh

"Sorry" Dean said as he pulled his hand away

"No it's okay, it just tickles."

Then Dean continued to stroke castiels wings. Cas sat on the bed, Dean say behind him so he could still reach his wings.

After a while Cas started to drift in and out of consciousness. Cas slowly drifted asleep. Dean moves castiels body so it was fully on the bed, Dean then went to sleep too.

Castiel's wings where tightly wrapped around Dean as they Dean fell asleep in a big puddle of warmth.

Thanks again Angels-Of-The-Lord

Destiel one shots!! And maybe SabrielWhere stories live. Discover now