Tiny fingers grabbed at the brown hair. The hand closes around it and pulls sending signals of pain through the brown hairs owner. There's a quite groan coming from the brown hairs owner. This makes the baby laugh, another tug another laugh coming from the infant.
"Jordan" groans the man who had enough of this. The man was sitting at the base of the crib his head against the wooden pillars, a tiny chocolate colored hand reaching trough the bars.
The man opens an eye and glances around. He stands up and looks behind him. A glob of flesh and hair painted the walls. Another small pile in the crib.
"Again? You did this 8 hours ago."
A man with dark brown hair almost black peeked into the room.
"Did Jordan change again Dean?"
"It's getting more frequent Cas..." Dean glances down at the naked baby. "Is she sick?""We have a girl this time?"
"Looks like. I should probably clean this up."Dean picked the child up while the angel stepped more into the room. Dean half hugged castiel and handed the baby off to him.
"It's so hard to have a kid."
"Cas most people don't have shifters as kids."There was a cabinet on the far side of the room. Dean opened it and it was stock full of cleaning supplies. He grabbed a sponge, bleach, cloves and some towels.
"Your making us work our ass's of aren't you?" Cas said in a baby voice.
Cas puts Jordan in her play pen. He walks over to Dean and slips his arms around his waist.
"Babe I need to clean this up before it gets all sticky." Dean says. He was ripping the sheets off the small mattress.
Cas lets go and gets the other side of the crib. Jordan started to cry so Cas went to pick her up.
"I'm going to put this is the washer" Dean said holding up the bundle of sheets. He walked out of the room as Cas was picking up Jordan.
Cas held her tight to her chest and walked around the room a bounce in his step to keep her entertained. She soon stopped crying and Cas felt her breathing steady. She was fast asleep by the time Dean got back upstairs.
"Hey the washers is going to be about 40 minutes." Dean whispered softly. Cas carefully laid Jordan back down in her play pen and Dean and Cas left the room hand in hand.
When they got down to the kitchen Dean grabbed two beers from the fridge. He held one up to Cas "you want one?"
Cas took it and leaned against the kitchen island Dean right next to him. Cas put his head on deans shoulder, deans arm around Castiel's waist. They looked out the window watching the white fluffy snow fall to the ground.
The snow was mesmerizing. They got pulled out of their trance by the baby monitor.
"I got her" Cas said.
Cas set down his beer and started to head up the stairs. He went into Jordan's room and she was sleeping in her play pen. Her green blanket wrapped around her. Her thumb in her mouth her chest moving up and down slowly. She was sound asleep. Cas decided to stay and watch over her for a couple minutes.
After a while Dean walked into the room and hung over Cas.
"Can we watch tv?" Cas asked.
"Sure"They walk back down stairs and park themselves in front of the tv. They curled up together, there legs tangled hands intertwined. They stayed like that watching some random movie.
After a while Dean noticed that Cas was asleep. Dean chuckled and started to work his was out from under castiel. When he got out he stopped and stared at his sleeping husband for a little bit. Then he picked Cas up bridal style and carried him to their room.
Dean set him on the bed carefully he was still fully dressed. Dean sighed and started to slowly slip Castiel's trench coat off his shoulder. Next was his death blue dress coat. Dean started to unbutton cas's white button up exposing his chest. He slipped one of his AC/DC shirt on. Next he took off castiels pants and replaced them with stripped red pajama bottoms.
Dean then tucked Cas's legs under the blanket and pulled it up to his chin. Dean slipped in next to him. He put his arm around Cas and pulled him closer. His body heat radiating off of him. Castiel's head was in the crook of deans neck. Dean could feel his warm breath.
Deans eye lids started to get heavy. He was about to slip into unconsciousness but before he did he pulled Cas as close as he could and whispered. "I love you. Goodnight my angel." In his ear.
Dean feel asleep on matter of minutes, his and cas's body in one big bundle. They where happy. They are happy.
OMG hey people! Ok so some fluff and some baby and some shifter.
Fluff, babies and shifters oh my! Anyways I hope you guys liked reading that I had fun writing it. I had to make up half of it because I had it in my journal but o lost my journal on the train yesterday. So the second half is a little rocky. Hope you guys have great nights or what ever time your reading this. Ok bye!
Destiel one shots!! And maybe Sabriel
FanficI have ideas about random destiel shit so here you go.