Human cas

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Castiel is human in this chapter btw.

Castiel walked into the bunker. It felt different this time. It was the first time Castiel walked into the bunker as a human.
Cas stood at the top of the stairs.

I walked across the main room. When I looked up and saw Castiel I was taken aback.

"Cas?" I asked with shock.
"Hello Dean" cas stated.

I walked up the stairs to meet cas at the top. I took him into a hug. Castiel suddenly started to sob into my shoulder. Castiel's knees buckled and we fell, holding each other.

I decided not to ask what happened, but I could tell Castiel no longer was an angel. For one, Angels don't cry.

I picked cas up bridal style and carried him down the stairs and carried him to my room. Setting cas softly on the bed, I got up to leave.

"Dean?" Cas said softly
I looked over my shoulder. "Yeah cas?"
"Ca-can you stay with me?" Castiel asked with big eyes.
"Of corse cas."

I walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. I looked down at the ex-angel.

"Yes cas?"
"Will you lye with me?"
"Um. Sure cas." I said with uncertainty.

I laid down next to cas as far away from him as possible.

"Dean?" Cas asked with a hurt tone.
"What?" I started to get annoyed.
"Nothing." Cas whispered.

Tears started to fall down cas's face once again. He flipped over so his back was to me.
He doesn't like me. I know what this feeling I have toward him is. Love. I know I have to ignore it. Dean never knew that God is utterly indifferent to sexual orientation so he made all angel gay. And he would never find out.

I could sense that cas was upset, but I didn't understand why.

"Cas?" I got no response. I looked over his shoulder to see cas's back. I could hear small sobs coming from cas. I sat up.

"Cas?" I asked

I grabbed Castiel's shoulder and flipped him around. Cas's eyes where red and puffy tears still streaming down his face. Cas pulled me down and kissed him. I pulled back in shock.

"I'm sorry" Cas muttered.

I kissed cas. Castiel was shocked but once he realized what happened he kissed him back.

We slept in the same bed ever since.

Everyone clapped, cas was crying, I was crying. I looked over at Sam who was at my side. He was crying. I laughed at him and he gave me a major bitch face.

"Do you Dean Winchester, take Castiel Novak to be your lawfully wedded husband?"Bobby asked.
"I do." I said with a smile. I grabbed Castiel's hand. He smiled.

"Do you Castiel Novak, take Dean Winchester to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Stated bobby.
"I do" he said.

There was a brief pause.

"Ok before you two kiss I want to make sure you don't hurt my boy." Bobby said to cas.
"I won't" Cas chuckled.

Laughing I kiss cas not waiting for bobbys line. Everyone clapped as I pulled away.

"I now pronounce you husband and husband." Bobby laughed.

I grabbed Castiel's hand and walked back down the aisle. We met up with everyone outside. Sam patted my back and Charlie mauled me with a hug. Everyone else made there way around and by the end of the night I was ready to collapse.

Sam drove cas and I home. He dropped us off outside of our new house. We walked in went straight to our room and collapsed on the bed.

We fell asleep in a matter of minutes. I am so happy.

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