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Deans Pov.

I found you you on the floor in the bathroom in a pool of your own blood, and and empty pill bottle in your hand. I know now that I should have gotten help, but I couldn't, I was frozen. You always talked about how you hated what you saw in the mirror. You were in t pain and I couldn't help. I'm proud of you for making it as far as you did.

When I found you on the floor with a small smile on your face you looked so peaceful, I felt the need to tip toe and hold my breath so I wouldn't disturb you.

Well congratulations Cas, you got what you wanted. You left your friends, your boyfriend, your brothers and sisters, you left your whole family. I will never say the words 'I love you' again. I will never get married or have kids, and you left me with the damn cat. I will always love you Castile. Always.

I stumbled off the stage. My eyes red and puffy from crying through the whole speech I had just made. Looking out into the audience, no one moved, they were all stunned.

Sam ran up to help me walk to my seat. My motor skills were completely destroyed. I didn't care he had to help me, people stared at me as I got to my seat in the front row. I looked back up at the stage. I could see the casket that held cas's lifeless body. He was pale, his eyes closed and his hair combed to the side which bugged me. He didn't even look like himself.

The rest of the funeral passed in a blur. I didn't care what his so called friends had to say, they were the reason he did this. In no time I felt Sam tap my shoulder, I looked over at him with big eyes with hurt in them.

Sam drove me home and stayed with me in my room. No not my room, our room. It will always be Cas and i's room.

Authors PoV.

Dean stayed true to his word. He never said those 3 words again. He never got married or had kids. Sam took care of Dean until the day dean left this world... Just like how Cas did.


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