Cas's new family

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7 years before Dean dumped Cas over the phone. This is how it happened.

=flash back=

Cas ran across the room to answer his phone, it was Dean. He grabbed it and ran over to the kitchen and checked the pot of spaghetti and jam sauce.

"Hey babe" he said into the phone.

Dean took a deep breath on the other end of the line.

"I have a boyfriend." Dean said in a whisper.
"Yeah me stupid."
"Not you"

Cas stopped in his tracks and stared into space.


Cas dropped to his knees tears streaming down his checks.

"Cas?" Deans voice hardened.

Cas hung up and threw the phone. It hit the cabinet and shattered. Cas laid on the floor for hours. The only reason he got up was because he felt like he was going to throw up.

He ran to the bathroom and emptied his stomach into the toilet.

=present day=

Cas took the pot off of the stove.

"Hey westie" said Cas to his two year old son west.  Cas grabbed 3 bowls and set them on the counter.

"Cas?"  Said a low voice coming from the living room.

"Yes Gabe?" Cas called back to his husband.
"West is on there with you, just so you know."

Cas scooped each bowl to the rim with spaghetti with jam sauce. Cas carried two bowls out West with his own.

Cas handed Gabe a bowl and set his own on the coffee table. Cas picked up West and put him in his lap. Just then cas's phone went off. He lifted West off his lap and gently set him on the couch.

Gabe had sprinkled skittles on his spaghetti and scarfed it down. He set the empty bowl on the table and picked up west.

Cas ran over to the kitchen and picked up his phone.

"Hello?" Asked Cas
"Cas is that you?" Said a voice he hadn't heard in years and thought he would never hear again said.

"Dean why are you calling me?" Cas said in a low voice.
"I love you"
"Dean, I have a family, I have a kid."
"Baby who is it?" Yelled Gabe from the next room. Cas held his hand over the speaker and yelled back.

"No one wrong number"
"Don't call me again" said Cas talking to Dean again. He hung up.

He composed himself again before going back to his family. He sat down on the couch and put his arm around gabe.

Two days later the doorbell rang through the house. West ran and opened the door. A man with dirty blond hair and emerald eyes was on the porch. He wore a golden amulet and a brown leather jacket.

"Hey buddy is--" Dean was cut off by Cas rushing past West and grabbed deans shoulder. He steered him away from the house and out to deans legendary Impala.

"Dean what are you doing here?"
"Cas I love you"
"Dean your chance passed a long time ago. You picked some random guy over me. I'm over you, so don't pull me back in so you I can get my heart broken again."

"Is that really what you think of me?"
"What did you expect Dean? Now leave." Cas said sternly.

Dean didn't argue this time. He turned around and got in his car. Cas turned around and West ran up to Cas's side and hugged his leg. He waved to Dean and Dean sadly waved back. Then just like that, he was gone.

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