Confession #2

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If I ever got to meet Chuggaconroy I'd either be too scared to say anything, talk too fast for him to understand, shake the whole time talking to him and refuse to meet his gaze.





Or I'd break down into tears and run off leaving the poor man confused.

Or do all three.

Yeah... Gotta work on my people skills. :P

If I can't bring myself to message him on his own channel or Twitter what makes me think I can talk to him in real life?

What I think it is, probably, is that while he helped me throughout the time I was still living with my father..... Hes also apart of what I don't want to remember what I don't like to remember, its why I cant bring myself to watch the Animal Crossing Lets play.

Hes a funny guy with his constant yelling and adorable squeak fests. I probably wouldn't have been as happy as I was during that time of first watching him.

Ironically enough, his Majora's Mask lets play is the most favorable of mine, since while watching it I got my first message back from Mint_Bunnies over on Fanfiction.

If I ever got to meet him though and I was able to talk to him without doing anything embarrassing or breaking down.... Id probably thank him for helping me indirectly and making me laugh during the hard times.

Whenever my Mom wasn't available to talk while she was working graveyards Id always turn to him and watch his videos for an instant pick up during the summer when I couldn't get away.

He will always have a special hero place in my heart just for that reason.

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