Characters VS Real People

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There are some things you can say about Characters that you cant say about real people. Especially those who you dont know/will never know. 

Lets take the Runawayguys fandom. 

You know how many people I've seen that have literally said:

"I would so bang [insert runawayguy/any youtuber here] "

NO! No no no. This is exactly the reason why people say fans are way too over the top. I get creeped out whenever someone types:

"Tim's butt is so squeezable"

-table flip- 

Why would you do this then have the audacity to ask why people are afraid of their fans sometimes? 

They are people. 

Its different if you say that about a fictional character. They can't hear you or see what you have to say. You never know who can see what you write. -stares- 

But in all seriousness. Beside the shippings of other people, that one Im not going to say anything about because I'm guilty of it too. 

I ship Protonconroy, Chugganela and all those other ships. 

MATCOKE IS BEST SHIP (If you watch Game Theory you'd get that :3)

But really...... just stop creeping celebrities out with the comments..... Especially those who aren't used to the attention to that degree. 


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