There was actually a time where I flat out didn't like ProtonJon. I didn't like how he treated Emile.
Until I read online that they are actually the best of friends. Now I just think they have the cutest relationship. Like very brotherly relationship.
I remember reading a tweet from Jon about Emile following him all the way down to the hotel's lobby bathroom, since Tim was sleeping in the bathtub of their own bathroom at the time, and constantly worried for him. Can I add that apparently it was early in the morning?
That's friendship at its finest right there.
So I don't really hate any of the runaway guys anymore especially after realizing how perfect their chemistry is with each-other.
And the fact that I can show them to my mom and count on them not swearing in every sentence.
Welcome To My World
De TodoHello. This is the second installment of updates and rants. However this time, who knows what will happen. Have fun in the mind of a Seventeen year old girl.