Chapter 11

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Chris and I agreed that the colors would be red and purple. We ordered a five layered cake and a bunch of balloons for the reception. Casey took me dress shopping. We went into six different stores until I found the perfect dress. It was white with lace at the bottom. It had a black belt to go around the waist. The top was strapless and it was laced. It had more white fabric under the lace. I found a veil the was a crown and then the veil came down. Casey bought it for me and we went home.

"I'm really happy for you sister." Casey said on the way home.

"I'm really excited, but I am also scared." I replied.

"Scared? Why, what's wrong?"

"What is something happens? Like, what if something ruins the wedding?"

"Kayla, you're thinking about it too much. Just, let things happen, okay?"

I sighed and looked out my window. I put my hand on my stomach and felt the baby kick. I just smiled. We stopped at a red light when things got bad. The light turned green and we started to drive when someone crashed into my side of the car. I was pushed down into the floorboard and I couldn't move. I didn't know what had just happened. I just froze, my hand still on my stomach. The baby didn't kick anymore. I heard Casey yelling, but I couldn't hear it clearly or see anything. I passed out soon after the crash.

I woke up in the hospital. It took me a minute to realize what had happened. As soon as I remembered the crash, I started to yell.

"Michaela, what's wrong?" A nurse asked me, running into the room.

"The baby. What happened to the baby?" I asked scaredly.

"The baby is fine, I promise. Just rest, your boyfriend is in the waiting room."

"Please let me see him."

"Okay, I'll get him."

Chris entered the room and ran to me. He hugged me tightly and kissed my head.

"I thought you were going to die." He said.

"Where's Casey?" I asked.

"He's at home. He feels that it's all his fault this happened. That he should've paid more attention. I tried telling him it wasn't his fault, but he wouldn't listen. The doctor says the baby's fine. How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay. I'm good knowing that I just was in an accident."

"Yeah. I know this may be a little early, but do you think you'll be fine for the wedding? Or should we reschedule?"

"I don't know yet. I have a week to recover, but I don't know. I'm sorry."

"No, don't be sorry. It's fine. I'm okay with rescheduling, as long as you'll still be mine."

I smiled. The next day Casey came in to see me. He asked a nurse about the food I could eat. She said anything, it didn't matter. Casey brought me my favorite sweet thing to eat: Cinnamon Rolls with extra icing. We used to eat them together on our front porch before our parents died.

"I thought you'd like something familiar to eat in an unfamiliar place." Casey said.

"Thank you." I replied, taking a roll from him. "Did you make them?"

"With our secret ingredient." He said with a smile.

"Lemon zest."

"Yep. You always loved lemons. You put it in while I wasn't looking..."

"And you loved it."

"Yes, I loved it, and I still do."

I took a bite and looked at Casey. He was just looking at his cinnamon roll.

"Casey, it's not your fault. You know that right?" I asked him.

"It is my fault, I wasn't paying attention." He said, about to cry.

"It was your turn. You had the right-of-way. Stop blaming yourself, please."

"Okay. I love you Kayla."

"I love you too."

He stood and kissed my forehead. A nurse came in with food. Casey left and I ate. I fell asleep shortly afterwards. When I woke up, Marco was in the room. I started to scream.

"What's wrong!" A nurse asked as she ran into the room.

"I want him out of here. Now!" I yelled, tears forming in my eyes.

Chris ran into the room to see what was happening. He made fists with his hands as Marco was escorted out of the room. I let the tears fall and Chris wrapped his arms around me. I buried my face in his chest. I started to cry harder. Chris sat on the bed next to me.

"It's going to be fine, I promise." Chris whispered in my ear.

"I don't see why this happened to me. He was my only friend." I said in between sobs.

"I know. It'll be fine. Sometimes things happen, and there's nothing you can do about it. You just have to accept it and move on. I will do anything for you if it means you're happy and comfortable."

"My happiness and my comfortable just left." I cried.

Chris let go of me and walked out of the room. I layed down and tried to stop crying, but the tears kept falling. I felt the baby kick again. Chris walked back in the room with Marco. I looked at him, fear in my eyes.

"What are you doing?" I asked Chris.

"You said, your happiness and your comfortable just left, so I brought it back." Chris said angrily.

I just layed back down and closed my eyes. I heard a muffled yell, and looked at Chris. He was on the floor, with Marco under him.

"What are you doing?" I screamed.

Chris stood and ran. He had tears in his eyes when he looked at me. He ran until he was out of the hospital building. I looked at Marco and he was on the floor still. I was still angry at him, but I had to help him. I screamed for a nurse. A nurse came in and picked Marco up. She brought him to a different room and about ten minutes later came back to my room.

"He has a broken nose and a broken arm, but he'll be fine." She said.


I woke up this morning feeling relativily sick I didnt know why but then I remembered that I was eight months pregnant. Today is October friday the thirteenth what fun right and I am getting married to who I thought was the love of my life.

"You ready for today baby?" chris whispered gently in my ear.

"Yeah I can't wait for tonight the party that we are gonna have is going to be amazing" I responded choosing my words carefully.

As I throw on a beautiful red cocktail dress with black sequins across the top you could barely notice that I was carrying a child.


8:00 P.M.

Chris brought all of our friends to the cabin to have a party as we are sitting there I go and get some punch. As I drink it I start to feel dizzy and almost like im floating then I black out.

***The next morning*********

As I sit up I realize i'm strapped to a hospital bed screaming for them to let me out I am covered in blood from head to toe that's when I realize that it's not my blood I killed all of my family and friends I look down at my stomach and realize that they took my baby and I didn't get to see her.

"Let me see my fucking child you can't do this I was drugged I have the right to see her", I scream then start to cry.

As they bring her beside me she smiles and then I start to feel my heart stopping I can feel the pain rush through my body. First my feet go numb, then my arms, I slowly come to realize they have drugged me and they are killing me infront of my child as I look at the nurse I mumble,"her name is Lena Macee" hoping they heard and then it goes black and my memory fades as I go out into the world unkown.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2015 ⏰

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