Chapter 7

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I woke up in a strange house tied to a chair. I had a cloth in my mouth so I couldn't say anything. My phone was still in my bra. I guess the morph forgot about that part, or the people who took me here thought I dropped it while they were strangling me. I caught a glimpse of a shadow of a man in the corner. I looked closer and I thought I recognized him. When he came into the light, I knew who it was. He found where Chris was; I failed him.

"Hello." Marcus said.

I started to move uncomfortably. I struggled to get out of the ropes I was in, but they were too tight.

"It's useless, Kayla. You won't get out of here until I have my son." He said, taking the cloth from my mouth.

"You only want him so you can kill him for sure this time." I said, angrily.

"Oh, no, no, no. I do not wish to kill him this time. I wish that he will accept me as his step father."

"He will never accept you as a father. You murdered his father right in front of him!"

"Yes I did. His father was a monster and so is his son!"

"You were the one who started the fire weren't you. You knew where Chris was, so you started the fire and then you called the section Chris was in so you could leave him there to burn!"

"Smart girl. I wanted to kill him because he tried to tell his mother I murdered his father."

"Why did you murder his father?"

"His father was my boss. He always told me what to do and where to go at exact times only. He was strict with only me. I killed his daughter, but he didn't listen. It got worse. I affected their marriage in a way they didn't know. They got divorced and I took the chance to be in their family. I married his wife. He still got worse and worse, so I killed him. It wasn't my fault Chris was in the room when I did it. When I saw him there, I told him I would kill him like I did his father because I wasn't going to go to jail for murder. He ran and I never found him. I saw you walking and I followed from a safe distance. I saw you come out with Chris and followed you guys to your house. I waited for a while to make sure it was your house. I guess I got you at the perfect moment. I saw you and him sleeping on the couch before he took you to your bed. When I found what room was yours, I looked through the window and saw you getting close to him and falling asleep on his chest. Are you guys a thing?"

"No. We are not a thing."

"Funny. I saw you and him kiss right before you fell asleep in bed."
"You're lying."

He showed me a picture of me and him kissing. I was shocked. I didn't think I would ever find myself kissing Chris. Marcus saw the shock in my eyes.

"Why are you shocked?" He asked, as if he didn't know.

"Nothing. Why did you want me alone?" I asked.

"I knew if I got you alone, Chris would be easy to take. You wouldn't be there to stop him. When I get him, you can leave."

"Well, here I am. Take me, but let her go." Chris was standing in the doorway.

"Chris, don't, please. If you die, it'll be my fault. I made a promise and I am not going to break it." I said.

"I can't let him hurt you, Kayla. I don't care what you say, you're leaving."

"Actually, she's not. She can die with you. I can't have any witnesses." Marcus replied, grinning.

The same four guys that grabbed me, grabbed Chris. They tied him to a chair and put him right behind me. We were back to back and one of the guys tied the chairs together. Chris tried moving, but only tipped us over. Marcus was nice enough to put us back upright. I looked around and tried to find a window or something to get out of. I was thinking of a plan. My thoughts were interrupted when Chris grabbed both of my hands. He squeezed them softly and whispered that it would be okay.

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