Kindness Test

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Beau Mirchoff = Alex Macaroni.


"I am so happy." Katie said cheerfully taking her seat in history class.

"Why? It is literally a Monday morning." I said raising an eyebrow at her.

Okay so I'm a little grumpy, but that's because I stayed up most of the night so I could finish editing Maddie's pictures. It probably was a bad idea, but I can't help it. If I know there's something that I have to do, I have to do it or I won't be able to sleep. It doesn't matter if I have a day, month or year before its due.

It probably didn't help that I stayed up an hour after that watching funny videos at three o'clock in the morning.

"Well bitter friend of mine." she said and I rolled my eyes again. "The reason I am so happy is because all of my dreams are coming true." She finished with a bright smile.

"Care to elaborate?" I asked her right as Jason and Adam walked into class. They both took their rightful seats and Adam kissed Katie on the cheek.

"Well, at the beginning of summer I entered this contest to spend a week of my winter break in New York and yesterday I checked my email and they said that I made to the next round." She explained with a wide smile. I gave her a small smile leaned forward on my desk.

"That's great, but I have no idea what this contest is about. Care to elaborate some more?" I said with a smile. I've never seen Katie so excited like this.

"She entered a contest to spend a week in New York at Martha Manning's company where she learns all sorts of stuff about fashion." Adam said coming to his girlfriends rescue.

"Martha Manning?" I said with a small smile. Tyler and Maddie walked in hand in hands and they took their seats.

"Yeah, you probably don't know her. She's a very famous fashion designer and I really want to win this contest. And I hope I do, I mean I made it to the second round that has to mean something right?" Katie ranted.

"What are we talking about?" Maddie asked raising an eyebrow as Katie continues to rant.

"Martha Manning." Katie answered dreamily. Suddenly she seems snapped out of her day dream and squints at Maddie's skirt.

"Actually you're wearing her design right now. " Katie explained with a confused look on her face. "So are you." She said pointing at my top, then she pointed back to Maddie's skirt.

"Wait no that's impossible, thats a Martha Manning Limited Edition only one of that exist. How?" she asked again shocked.

"I don't know, Case gave me this skirt." Maddie said with a wink and I narrowed my eyes at her. She wants me to tell her, but I can't right now. Katie and I are just starting to become friends. I don't want her to look at me differently just because my grandmother is a top notch fashion designer. I'm sure Katie wouldn't use me, she's not like that, but things might change between us.

"Well how did you get it?" Katie asked.

"Yeah Casey how did you get it?" Maddie tormented and I narrowed my eyes at her. Sometimes I really dislike my best friend. But shes right, Katie deserves to know. Just not at the beginning of history class.

"Uhh, I got it from my grandma." I told Katie. Eventually I'll tell her that but just not right now. Besides, its not like I lied, I just didn't tell the whole truth.

"But how did she get it?" Katie asked again.

"Katie I'll tell you later, I promise." I said. Thankfully Mr. Pilot walked into the room stopping any further questions from Katie.

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