Cupcake Wars

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Hilary McBryant= Allie DeBerry


Monday morning I woke up completely and utterly well rested.

Right before bed last night I had a cup of chamomile tea and it put me right to sleep. At nine o'clock in the evening.

That's a full ten hour of sleep. And I feel great.

After my hot shower I went to my closet and grabbed the outfit I had put out last night.

Blue skinny jeans, white t-shirt, my maroon leather jacket and a pair of white converse. To accessorize I grabbed a cheetah printed infinity scarf a pair of diamond studs my mom gave me a few years ago and crazy expensive looking watch that my grandmother gave me. I think it's Michael Kors but I don't even know who that is.

Once I'm dressed I walked to the living room and turned on the tv to check the weather. As I waited for the meteorologist to do his job I went and made some coffee and my breakfast.

While I was smearing Nutella on my pop tart the meteorologist said the best thing the world.

"Highs in the lower seventies." He said with his morning smile.

Usually I find his smile stupid and annoying. Not today, today I smiled back at him.

It rained all day last week. When it finally stopped Friday night I was so happy, but the sun didn't come out. I literally haven't seen the sun in a week.

But no more according to Steven Kerrin, our local news stations meteorologist. 

The sun is back.

I drove to school with the music blasting and my second cup of coffee in my cup holder.

I finally got an auxiliary cord for my car so now I can actually listen to music in my way to school in the morning.

When I arrived at school, I put my car in a parking space and I was about to unplug my phone from the auxiliary chord when my current favorite song came one.

Expensive by Tori Kelly played through the car and I turned up the volume.

"Let me tell ya baby
Don't need no diamonds on my body. Got no greed in my eyes
Can you feel me, yeah." I sang along as I gathered my stuff.

"In a brand new Bentley
I'll tell you now it makes no difference. Just want all of your time."

'Cause you kiss me like I'm dreamin'.
Like I'm one in a million
And I think it's time you figured it out, oooh

Cause I know I got that somethin'
And it won't cost you nothin'
I already feel expensive enough
Turn that gold into dust
That's what matters, matters
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.

"Money don't buy love
Money don't buy love
No your money don't buy love
No your money don't buy love
No your money don't buy love
Your money don't buy love" I sang and danced.

Right when I was about to belt out the second verse there was a tap on my window and I jumped.

I quickly turned around and came face to face with a very amused Jason.

Oh. My. God.

He just saw me dance. Very very badly I might add.

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