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My alarm clock blaring woke me up and I pressed the snooze button.

Five more minutes.

The blare of the alarm wakes me again and I let out a sigh.

That was definitely not five minutes.

I grabbed my phone and turned off the annoying sound. I threw the sheets off of me and made a movement to put my feet on the ground. But I stopped short because my path was blocked.

By red plastic cups.


"What the." I said slowly.

When I say everywhere, I mean everywhere.

I look closely and the inside of the cups are filled with water.

I let out a laugh and laid back on the bed.

I might hate Tyler but this prank is hilarious. I'm just mad I didn't think of it myself.

I grabbed my phone and called Maddie.


"Did you give Tyler my spare key?" I asked without a greeting. I don't have time for a greeting.

"Good morning to you too." She sassed. "And no, I didn't give Ty my spare keys. I just opened the door for him and walked away." She said with a laugh.

"Traitor." I accused.

"Oh please, I've helped you more that I've helped him." She said with a laugh.

"As it should be. Chicks before you know what." I said as I grabbed a cup from the floor and dumped it in another cup.

"Whatever. I have to get ready for school, see you later." She said before hanging up.

It's going to take me forever to get out of here. So instead of continuing I dialed Jason.

"Hello." He answered after the third ring.

"I need help." I said with a laugh.

"If you can make it halfway across your room you're free. Tyler got lazy and stopped filling the cups with water." He said with a laugh.

"You are awesome, thank you." I said a sigh.

"But halfway down the hallway he started to fill them up again." Jason instructed.

"Hallway? How many cups did he buy?" I asked as I slowly continued the process of dumping water into other cups and stacking the empty ones.

"I don't know, we brought a bunch at different locations." He said and I narrowed my eyes.

"We? You helped him?" I asked.

"Yes." He said carelessly.

"I'm hurt."

"You'll be fine. Listen, I have to go.  I'll see you in an hour." He said.

"I'll see you, I'll bring coffee." I sighed. We said a quick good bye and I hung up.

Finally I was able to place my feet on the ground. I continued across the room and like Jason said I was able to kick through the cups by the door and open it. The entire hallway is covered with cups.

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