Chapter 2

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I arrived at home around ten minutes later. My frustration has reduced to the point where I don't wanna rip everyone's head off at school.

My house was just a plain two story modern house. It had a balcony, a moderate-sized backyard and small front yard where there was one lonely potted plant so it wouldn't look too dull. It was a little too big for someone living on their own but was the perfect place for me to just relax. After my parents dying, I found out about this house in Los Santos they never told me about and I just decided to live here instead. I still owned my old home and everything is still in there, just the way I want it to be; Untouched and still in the same place.

I'm still not used to the idea of everyone swooning over Vanoss Crew. I mean yeah they're hot, but that doesn't mean you have to hoard around them every single time you see them.

"Again, what's so great about them?" I asked, my frustration growing once again.

I then went upstairs to my room to do my homework. Yes, believe or not I actually do it. I just like to get things over with so I don't have to worry about it later.

And just to clear my mind up a bit.

Time Skip~

"Done!" I said, closing my book. It actually didn't take too long since I knew how to do everything. A lot of people actually don't know that I'm actually really smart, they just assume I'm average and all that.

That's another thing I like; underestimating everyone. It's really fun!

My phone started ringing. I checked who was calling me and I immediately picked it up.

"Hey Zell!" I said happily.

Zellia, or better known as Zell or Zelly to a lot of people, is one of my best friends from my old school. She's a year younger than me and is one of the most sweetest people I've ever met in my life. We're almost polar opposites, having a few things in common, but we didn't care. We ended up being best friends anyways and that's all that mattered.

"Hey, Nyssa! How's school?" She asked.

I told her everything I remembered the past week, from everyone staring at me the second I got out my car to when I left school in frustration.

"Wow," Zell said in astonishment as I finished explaining everything." And everyone's love with them?"

"Yup." I said dully, popping the 'p' at the end.

I stood up, opened the door that led to the balcony and walked out. The sky was at twilight now as the sun just past the horizon. It was an amazing sight to see and I reckon that it's more breath-taking than the sunset itself.

"What do you think Tiger, Jumi and Owl are gonna say about this?" She asked.

Tiger, Jumi and Owl were also my best friends along with Zell.

Tiger's real name is Madison is also a year younger than me. I remember the first time we me, she was really awkward and shy but now, she's become comfortable around the five of us and showed us who she really was; funny, a little crazy and sometimes an ass.

Jumilette Alvarado, or better known as Jumi, is pretty much just like me. We're both honest, straight-forward, sneaky and all that but there's only difference; she's more crazier than me.

Owl's real name is Alice Queens and is the oldest out of all of us. She's the tomboy and the mischievous one of the group. I also dubbed her 'the queen of comebacks' since she actually is. Not once have I heard her go silent after someone insulting her or one of us.

I shrugged and started pacing back and forth on the small balcony." Tiger's probably gonna be worried about me." I said." Jumi and Owl...well, just leave the last part out." I said, knowing that they would legit come here as quickly as possible and whoop some ass. Badly.

"I will, but I won't promise it since they might know that I didn't tell them the whole story." She said.

"Thanks, Zell."

Then something caught my attention when I looked down towards the neighbourhood. Right across from my house, I could clearly see that mystery girl I bumped into on the first day and...Mini Ladd?

"I gotta go." I said and hung up after she said goodbye.

I crouch behind the concrete barrier of the balcony so they couldn't see me. I watched as Mini Ladd stepped out of her home, which happens to right across from mine, as mystery girl stood on the threshold of the front door.

Mini Ladd? And mystery girl? I said to myself in disbelief.

That girl really is a mystery. I don't have any classes with her, and the only thing people know about her is her name, which is Dominique Queen. But I'm not bothered to call her that since I'm already used to calling her 'mystery girl'.

I growled when I couldn't hear what they were talking about. But my eyes widened when they shared a kiss before Mini left. Mystery girl then looked up towards where I was hiding and I completely crouched behind the barrier so she didn't spot me. When I looked back up, Mini was gone and mystery girl closed her door.

"That was close." I muttered before getting up and going back into my room.

Sorry about the short chapter but I hope you guys liked it:)

And AliceWonderland109  I hope you don't mind me changing your crush to Nogla since someone else already said that their was his crush before you. Sorry about that, I only noticed when I was making this chapter.

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