Chapter 23

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Well, this chapter is going to be a bit different, so all I'm gonna say is don't play the song yet(or just play it if you want to, I don't mind:)).

About ten minutes later, the music stopped. Everyone looked towards the stage to see that the host of this whole Ball, Aaron Lockwood, was standing in front of the orchestra with a mic in hand. Seeing him reminded me that I needed to talk to him. The only reason I almost forgot was because of Vanoss being here.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, I hope you're all enjoying tonight." He started, that familiar million-dollar smile on his face.

As he kept talking, I turned around and noticed that Terroriser was also gone, and another bartender was in his place. I also noticed the bartender turned his back to put away the bottle of champagne he poured. Quickly, I swiped the drink away and kept walking along the edge to the middle of the hall.

"Thank you everybody and I hope you have a wonderful evening." Aaron concluded, receiving an applause from everyone except for me.

And thank you bartender for the drink I thought before taking a sip of the glass of champagne, the orchestra  playing music once again and everyone going back to doing whatever. Once Aaron was off stage, he was immediately in a conversation with a few of the guests who were closest to him.

The drink in my hand was soon gone, and once it was, I left it onto a nearby table and started making my way to Aaron. As I was walking, I thought of what I was going to say to him. The more I thought about it, the more my mind seemed to think that maybe it was Aaron Lockwood that left that invitation. It make sense since he's the host after all, and he's the only one in this ballroom that knows I'm the daughter of the deceased Bianca and Seth Mason.

But why go through all the trouble just to send me an invite? He could've just mailed it or something. But wouldn't that mean he'd know where I live? I didn't tell anyone where I was going after moving out of my old house.

My thoughts stopped when I saw Aaron excusing himself from the group and started walking away. My feet picked up the pace to catch up to him, but then a hand grabbed me from behind. Forcefully, I was turned around and dragged onto the dance floor, more focused on not bumping into someone or falling over than actually looking at the person who is dragging me. Finally stopping, I immediately turned to leave when I saw that it was Vanoss.

"Wait, Nyssa." He said, pulling me back into him.


"Just dance with me." He said as the song finished.

He and I both knew that I didn't really have a choice, since if I make a fuss, all the attention would be on us which is the last thing I want.

(A/N: Okay, you can play the song now).

"Know how to tango?" He asked as the orchestra began to play a new song, adjusting his hands so that we were now in a dance position, his left hand in hand with mine while his right hand rested on my shoulder blade and my other hand was on his shoulder.

The song began with the strings section picking at the instruments to a slightly slow melody. Vanoss pulled me closer till there was little space between the two of us, moving the hand that rested on my waist up to my shoulder blade.

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