Chapter 9

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Awkward was a good word to describe the situation that had begun when Fox entered the house. Tension was an even better word to describe the situation between all ten of us.

I looked around the room just to see Kiwi with hopeful eyes, Brooke and Kenny with surprise written all over their faces and the ones who didn't  know her with a questioning look on their faces. It wasn't really a curious look, it was more like a I-already-don't-like-you-but-I'll-give-you-a-chance look. Even Zell had that look on her face but it wasn't as mean.

But the one that caught my eye the most was Dom who just simple stared at Fox with her cold brown eyes that was now even more colder. Fox had noticed and also sent her a cold glare before looking away. This just made me think that something had happened between the two girls. Something bad obviously. When has it ever been something good?

"Who are you?" Jumi asked, breaking the silence.

"Fox," She replied," And you are?"

As Zell, Tiger, Jumi and Owl introduced themselves, I couldn't help but be surprised. After what Dom and Kenny had told me about this girl and how she talked to me just before, I really thought that she would say some snarky remark by now.

"So why the hell are you guys here?" She asked rudely.

And there it is I thought.

"Excuse me but we're their friends," Jumi said and motioned towards all of us," And you're just some random girl named Fox." She said matter of factly.

"I'm no random girl you piece of—"

"Okay," I said, not letting her finish her sentence. The tension was at a new high right now and Kiwi gave me a look to do something." Well Fox is right, she isn't some random girl." I said before explaining everything to the four girl who knew nothing about her.

Zell and Tiger had sympathetic looks on their faces but Owl and Jumi had a more determined look.

"We have to take them down." Tiger said but it came out more like a plea.

Everyone but Dom and I agreed. It's not like I didn't want to take them down, I just knew that this wasn't going to end well if we did.

"We can't just do that," I said honestly.

"Nyssa's right," Dom said." If we even try, we're all going to be in serious trouble." She said, her voice serious." Do you guys not remember that they're also dangerous?"

"And you wonder why you're such a little scared bitch," Fox sneered." Or are you scared that you're little boyfriend will leave you if he finds out about this?"

Kenny, Kiwi and Brooke had a surprised look on their face as they then stared at Dom, who didn't seemed to phased about what Fox had just said. Even I was surprised that Fox knew about her secret relationship.

Dom then laughed," Ha! Me? Scared?" She asked, her face returning to it's cold features." You're the reason why the word exist."

Dom then stood up and was now in Fox's face.

"You really think that you're some tough chick who dares to defy Vanoss Crew, but you're not."

"Dom," I said, also standing up and trying to get in between the two girls, which didn't work.

"You just hate them because you've never bested them. And look at where it got you."

I knew I had to stop this but my curiosity wanted to stay silent and see where this was going. I already knew the rest of the girls either couldn't or didn't want to step in between Dom and Fox right now.

" You're not the best, you're the exact opposite. Everyone either hates you or pities you because of how pathetic you are. Behind your so-called badass act is just some scared little girl who has to take drugs to keep the pain they put you through away." She continued, her voice even crueler than ever. Her voice even had a hint of proudness and relief after letting all that out but it seemed that she was still holding back.

Fox and the rest of us stared at Dom in shock and silence. None of us couldn't believe the words she said. I never knew that she could be so cold and cruel. That mysterious aura she had just hid it very well.

Fox then spun around and left the house, slamming the door hard as she did. No one still dared to speak as all of us were just staring a Dom.

Eventually, Dom finally spoke up," If you guys are still gonna takedown Vanoss Crew, count me out." Dom said, not facing us and also leaving.

Once she left, the tension reduced to awkwardness which I was relieved about. I faced the others to still see the shock on their face being overwhelmed by a what-now? look.

Honestly, I didn't know what to do. I didn't even want to do anything in the first place!

"Guys, let's call it a night." Jumi said, speaking up. The other silently agreed as they all left, saying quiet goodbyes to each other.

I walked slowly upstairs to my room, glad that I'm finally alone. I'm not trying to sound mean or anything but I just needed this to think over some things.

I flopped onto my bed and just stared at the ceiling. I wasn't tired at all since my thought were keeping me wide awake. It was late too and there was school tomorrow, reminding me that it was also the four girls' first day at Westwood.

Well at least my new friends and my good friends get along, that's one good thing that's happened I thought, trying to think of the positive. It still wasn't working since all the negativity just came rushing back like a wave.

When I thought of that, my mind went back to Dom and Fox. What the hell happened between the two of them?

Hate to say it but I had to make sure that Fox was okay. I know Fox can be a bitch but tonight, Dom was an even bigger one.

Man, who would've thought I said to myself, referring to Dom.

I eventually fell asleep, thinking about what I could do now.

I'm sorry that I haven't updated in over a week. Last week, I just moved out a motel my family and I were temporarily living in and into a new home. We just got out wifi finally up and working and I couldn't really work on a new chapter. But I have been on here recently but it was only for like five minutes or so since I was at school and I didn't want to get in trouble or anything.

Also I might not be updating as consistently since I have exams coming up and I really have to study for it. But I am going to try my best to publish another chapter or two every week. Sorry about that.

Oh and sorry if this chapter sorta sucks and is kinda rushed, but I hope you guys enjoyed it anyways!

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