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A best friend?

A best friend can know your weaknesses. They can know your strongest and weakest points. They know your favorite things. Foods. Styles. Music. Color. They know exactly what to do or say to cheer you up.

Except Jess.

Instead, she knows exactly what to do or say to make me want to bury her in the deepest pit.

"I'm going to kill you." I frowned.

A gust of wind blew around me, caressing my thick cardigan and jean covered legs. Old dry leaves blew around as the wind whistled passed my ears.

My eyes narrowed in on the large building with the words 'Avalanche fitness' written in bold and alluring lettering.

"Oh come on." Jess stuffed the car keys deep into her pockets. She made sure I was not going anywhere.

"I thought I destroyed that card?" I huffed.

"You did." She smiled. "But....I took a picture of it before you ripped it up."


"Look. We can just check it out. That simple. We don't have to do anything. We can just...look around. I just think we need to get out." She begged for me to go along with it. She begged me to brighten up.

"Getting out would be a movie or a walk in the park, this is just outrageous." I stuffed my hands into my jean front pockets.

"Walk in the park, movie, kick Carl in the face, all the same." She opened the door and waited for me to enter. I stood there.

"I know you do not care about Jason's reaction to this but you should be worried about Brent's."

"Again..." She reached and grabbed my arm, pulling me through the entrance way and into the lobby area. "Carl did not kiss me; he kissed you so my hands are clean here."

"But Jason's enemies are his." I assured her.

"Hello?" Jess completely ignored my complaints and turned her attention to the awaiting receptionist. The receptionist seemed to have a genuine smile and a personality that would make anyone comfortable coming here.

"Hello? How are you? Welcome to Avalanche Fitness, what can I do for you ladies?" Her smile was immense.

"Well..." Jess leaned onto the counter as she mumbled a few words to the listening receptionist.

I looked around, observing the clean fresh and relaxing atmosphere. Two males walked in, their smiles grew when they glanced towards Jess and I. One winked. I looked away, finding the eyes of another incoming male.

"I didn't think you ladies would come." He seemed more excited than Jess.

"Neither did I." I slipped my hands into my back pockets before Jess nudged me.

"Hello Carl? We decided to take up your invitation."

"Well that is good to hear." Carl seemed naive of Jess's disturbing intentions. He thought we were here to workout. Jess was really here to watch me kick his head off of his neck. "Shall we ladies?"

"Of course." Jess tugged me into the direction that Carl seemed to head in.

"This is stupid."

"It's not going to be stupid when you hit him."

We walked into the large gym. Filled with equipment and spacious areas, the gym seemed to be the perfect fit for anyone.

"There are two main rooms. Room one, this one. This room works will different parts of the body. Your core, legs, thighs, glutes, and upper body."

He began to point into the direction of the different machines and what they are used for before he guided us into another room.

"This is the most interesting room." He seemed to grin from ear to ear at the sight of it. "This is where you come to release the building pressure into a punching bag...or a person."

"Ooh sounds fun." Jess seemed to grow just as excited as he did.

"We have six boxing rings. You can request a trainer to help you or you can have the ring with a frie-"

"Question?" Jess held up a finger. "Are you considered a trainer as well?"


"Great. Continue."

"On the right, we have the line of punching bags and the line of boxing gloves and other needed equipment. It is mandatory that all equipment is worn for everyone's safety."

We followed Carl through the gym. He showed us the changing facility, the hot saunas, the indoor swimming pool, and the small cafe area that served cold and protein beverages.

As hard as it is to admit, the facility was pretty good. It was spacious enough to hold a large amount of people without cramming goers into a hot room. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves in a judgment free, clean gym. Soon, the tour was over and we were back at the entrance way and greeted once again by the cheerful receptionist.

"So? What do you ladies think? Interested in joining?"

"Um I don't th-"

"It sounds great!" Jess hushed me. "Where do we sign?"

"I will get the papers." Carl flashed a winning smile before he disappeared into his office.

"Are you fucking serious?" My face had grown sour.

"Uh yeah. This place is awesome. A relaxing atmosphere where people do not look so Ill. It's different."

"Different?" I whispered. "We live with wolves. That should be different enough."

"Aniyah. Just give it a damn try." Her hands locked into mine. "If things get weird, we can say fuck it and never come back."

She held up a grin despite my look of distaste for being here. I still sought to say no however the look on Jess's face screamed enthusiasm. I can do this for her. Just seeing her smile was enough for me to agree to such foolishness.

"Fine." I pulled away from her tight grip. "But it will be you who explains the news to them."


"I just need you guys' signature." Carl exited the office, his arm extended with a few papers and a pen in hand. "I will have your gym cards and complimentary duffle bags ready."

"Good." Jess seemed careless to reading the document. She just wanted to get in and have her time of fun. Her pen in hand, she scribbled across the signature line before she handed me the pen.

This was reckless and downright insane. If I did not beat Carl to a pulp with my learned skills, I know a few feisty werewolves who would do it for me.

I signed and dated my name on the line; I could only wonder how Jason would take such news....

"Okay ladies, here is your gym cards and your bag. Hours are from seven am to midnight."

"Thank you so much." Jess tossed her bag over her shoulder as if it held some weight. "We will see you very soon."

"Cool. Enjoy your day ladies." He shifted on his heel, not before he looked at me. I looked away, avoiding any gestures that would give him any sign of interests.

Sensing my need to keep interaction at a minimum, he quickly walked off, leaving me alone with Jess and the busy receptionist woman.

"Let's go." I pulled Jess from the facility by her bag.

"Slow down iron woman."

"You are ridiculous you know that?" I reached into her pockets and grabbed the car keys. "You don't seem to understand the situation you just put us into."

"Look, when it comes down to it, I will explain everything. Deal?"

She has no idea.


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