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We had met with the vampire covenant leader too many times to count. As usual, our meetings were limited. Our contact? Almost hard to explain.

It was always the same when we met; in a dark facility with minimal lighting and his facial features always well hidden from the naked eye.

When asked why he did not want to reveal his face, he always told me that it was his way of going unnoticed when in public. His way of remaining a secret and in the shadows.

I always thought it was because he was either hard to look at or his skin was not rich enough to be exposed to the world.

However those thoughts I had formed within my mind began to die out. Now, I thought he was hiding something much richer then a hideous face or a skin condition.

"Where are we going?" Zeiden cycled through his phone, his eyes drawn to the social media that he had become obsessed with.

"I have to see someone." I pushed down on to the gas pedal, the vehicle pushing passed the strict speed limit posted on the afternoon streets.



Zeiden finally ripped his eyes away from his phone to motion toward the four plain t-shirts I had tossed in the back seat of my vehicle.


Zeiden put away his phone before he looked at me.

"Look, if we are going to be in this relationship, we need communication." He teased as he smiled.

"Shut up. I have to see someone." I pulled into the parking lot of small shopping center before I cut the engine.

"Oh." His eyes squinted slightly as he read the name of the small antique furniture shop we had pulled in front of. We got out of the car. "You want to buy some furniture?"

"No." I opened up the door, listening as the bells chimed above our heads to alert the working party of our entrance. "No. Her."

I pointed to the woman who emerged from the rear of the shop. She was elegant when she walked, her posture, her spoken words, all carried so well. She was an older woman however beauty seemed so well preserved on her.

"Ah Jason." She greeted me with her hand. As usual, I greeted it with a kiss. "I can't say I'm surprised to see you."

"Of course not Sasha" I grinned.

"And this must be Zeiden?"

"Correct." Being the overly dramatic character, Zeiden took her other hand into his. Bowing down, he kissed her hand with upmost elegance, even though he had no idea who she was.

"Ah manners." She looked at me. "You have a striving tribe Mr. Alpha. Come with me."

She turned to walk away. Looking at Zeiden, I grunted, watching as his smile began to expand.

"Idiot." I shoved passed him...

We made ourselves comfortable like she asked. With me one side of the table and Zeiden on the other, we made sure to leave her the seat at the head of the table.

After locking up the shop, she returned to the back. She took a seat at the table before she glanced up at us.

"You look more and more like your father every day." She spoke, acknowledging my appearance which seemed to resemble my father each passing day as she told me.

"I believe you tell me that every time." I smiled.

"Of course." She fiddled with a few things on the table before she looked at me. "I take it this is not a simple stop in."

INTERTWINE (Sex With A Beast Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now