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I eyed the jewelry box with a quirky grin on my face.

The ring was missing so I know she had taken it with her to the gym.

I closed the drawer, shoving my cellular phone into my pocket before I left the room.

"Going somewhere?" Zeiden was leaning against the banister at the bottom of the stairway. He popped up when he saw me coming down the staircase.

"Is that your business?"

He seemed to be questioning himself, wondering if he even had any authority to question me. He didn't. No one did. Well, except for one. Her.

"Where you going?" Zeiden followed me over to the front door.

"For a run." I opened the door, allowing fresh air to pour into the opening.

"Wolf form?"


"Do you mind if I join?" Zeiden pressed. I snarled.

"What do you want Zeiden?" My arms folded.

"I just want to spend time with you." Zeiden teased. He was a damn fool and by the way he was laughing, he knew it. I wanted to be alone however, I'm not sure if it was the best idea to actually be alone.

I have been roaming in secret. I have kept my travels under the radar. I have been doing it all on my own, keeping my agenda on the low for some days now.

"Zeiden." I eyed his quirky grin. "You can come...if you can keep up."

He half smiled. He was fast however keeping up with me was definitely a challenge for him. By the look on his face, he knew it was a challenge yet I could tell that he was up for the task.

I took off running. Speed and agility was my goal. I whisked passed hung trees and thick marsh, swiping pass leaves and branches that snapped from their base. Wind whistled passed my ear. Cool air nipped at my heated flesh.

Time seemed to slow as I took leave. My mind was so taken by nature's gift that I had almost forgotten that there was someone who was running behind me. He was quick yet not quick enough.

I was increasing the gap between him and me. Soon, even the scent of me would fade from existence. My trail would go cold. He would be following nothing but a thought of me. I wanted nothing more than to mess with Zeiden, lead him on a wild goose chase.

However, I needed his company, even despite my inner monster that wanted to move solo.

I decided to slow down, leaving him time to catch up with me.

"Why did you slow down?" Zeiden was heaving for air. His nostrils flared as he struggled to pull in a much needed breath. "I was catching up."

"You're dying." I stopped running.

"I was-" He parked himself by a large oak tree. His body slumped over the large over ground root. "I was coming."

As Zeiden found time to catch his breath, I found time to look around, waiting and watching my surroundings. We were off of territory. Now, anyone could come along. There were no patrols. There were no other members. I haven't even told others where I was going, what I was doing, or who I was meeting.

"You okay?" I eyed the shadows that were casted by the dreary trees.

"Yeah just...need some water." He heaved. "Is there like a lake, or dirty pond around?"

Despite me not laughing, I found his humor sort of enjoyable. No wonder he was Brent's left hand.


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