Chapter 8: All Revealed

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I scrambled around like a dog on a leash as the Omega pulled me by my arm.

I was tired of being treated as an inferior. I was tired of being captured and saved and captured all over again. I was tired of being treated like an object. I was tired of not having a say on what happens to me.

At this point I have no idea how I got caught up in such a mess.

"Why?" I hissed

"Why what?" The Omega asked in an annoyed tone.

"Why, did you save me? Why are you here?" I asked making an attempt to free myself from his grip. But the Omega only grabbed on tighter.

His arm was like a bear trap around my arm. The more I moved the tighter he grabbed me. But that didn't keep me from giving up.

I pulled my arm one more time but this time things didn't go like the last five times I had done it. As I pulled my arm the Omega turned in frustration pinning me against the wall like a poster.

I gasped at his unexpected actions. "Don't you dare do that one more time!" The Omega snarled as he wrapped his hand around my hair pulling my head back, "You are no one to be questioning me. You have no right at anything, obey your superior." The Omega demanded.

Immediately his group or "pack" surrounded the scene growling and staring down my every move. The Omega let me go pushing me down onto my knees, "Bow down before me, show some respect." The Omega ordered with his head up high.

I stared up at him, trying to shoot hate through my eyes. "Bow." The Omega hollered.

I thought about my next move very carelessly. The only thing I thought of doing was exactly what I did, I stared at him one last time before gathering all the saliva in my mouth and spitting on his shoe.

Before I could even think or do anything else the blows came in one after another. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, it was like my insides were being twisted and tied in knots.

Then the side of my face burned. And then my back felt like it was being crushed. I was down on all fours gasping like a fish out of water. There was blood all over me and I had no idea how it got there.

Then it stopped. It all stopped. And my mind remembered what had just happened.

I was just seen as an inferior. I was taken advantage of. I was attacked. Attacked by a species who doesn't even deserve to be alive. A species who killed dozens of innocent people, one of them being Walker.

My heart and mind raced at the idea of Walker being ripped apart like my torturers. Ripped apart by one of them. A Lycanthrope.

A filthy undeserving kind. It was not my fault that Walker or anyone died. It was the fault of the people who did it. The Lycanthrope. They had to pay. An Eye for an eye.

My body tensed up as I was filled with anger. I could feel the urge in my fingers to grip onto something and squeeze the life out of it.

I clenched my teeth at the feeling of something receding from my gums. I know exactly what it was. They were back, they were mine.

My breathing slowed down like a tiger on the prowl.

All I could hear were hearts. Six hearts, all belonging to Lycanthrope. Constant little heart beats. I licked my lips at the thought of ripping them out of their chests.

My spine peaked up like a cats. I looked from the corner of my eye and I saw him. The omega, standing around with an amused smile on his face. The pleasure it would give me to rip that smile from his face, literally.

And then I saw a fist go up. I felt a bolt at the back of my head.

And then it all went blank, silent. Like a bomb went off.

All I remember was snapping my teeth into the air waiting to bite something. I tasted iron in my mouth. Moments later I saw spots and I was out.


The Omegas' POV:

I sat on a bed in one of the healing tents in our camp. We had gotten back only hours ago and the Alpha hadn't talked or even looked at me since.

Well since we brought back his little Strigoi in a not so great condition. But at least she wasn't dead.

I too wasn't so great either. I was bitten and for some reason it wasn't healing. I moved my shoulder trying to relieve some of the pain from it.

"Marcu?" Asked a stern voice behind the tent flaps.

"Aici." I yelled out.

A strong manly figure came in carrying a bow and arrow. He looked at me with concern in his eyes.

"Fiu, people are angry. Very angry. All because the Alpha is angry, at you. So please fiu tell me what happened?" My father asked strictly.

"It was all the Strigois' fault Tata. If I wasn't ordered to go out and save her than we wouldn't be in so much trouble now." I complained.

"Nu, you need to take responsibility for what you did. Fix lucruri." My Father demanded.

I bowed my head down in obedience.

"Jur." I ensured.

I got up from the bed and walked out of the tent. As I got out I saw loneliness.

There was barely no one left. Before you would get out of your tent and see people walking and standing all over the place. But now it's no longer the same.

We were slaughtered, attacked, terrorized. The people are afraid without a single idea of what's going on. Everyone's in pain.

We lost way too many people to count. And we will take way too many people to count.

But still that would still not be enough because no amount of victories could fill up the holes that were poked through by the Kynigos.

We won't be pleased until they are all gone. Each and every one of them.

I walked the paths. Silence, that's all there was.

Before you could hear giggles of tiny little pups and chatting between the older members. It was glee and joy.

Now it's just silence, silent tragedy. It's like you can't even dare to talk because you don't know if words still do exist without them.

There's nothing worse than loosing a member of the pack. It hurts tremendously. But we lost half the pack. The pain is unimaginable. And we all feel it. If only they could feel the same or worse.

I got closer to the Alphas tent, my heart beat nervously. He was furious with me.

I didn't know what I would do or say. I didn't even have an excuse for why I did what I did.

All I wanted to feel was in control, superior. Like I didn't have to constantly  beat someone because I already know they don't stand a chance.

Before I could do anything the tent flap opened and behind was The Alpha.

"The truth. It's time the truth is all revealed." The Alpha rambled over and over again with a mad look on his face. "All revealed." He yelled with wide eyes.


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Also sorry this chapter is so short. The shortness of this chapter is due to it serving as an introduction or a brief explanation to what will happen in the next chapter.

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