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Hey guys! this is a fanfiction that me and my friend wrote. She doesn't have a wattpad, so I'm posting it. There's a lot of switching POV's, just fyi. Anyway, hope you guys will like it!

Please vote, comment, all that good stuff :)





The first time I laid eyes on Niall, it was from afar. I didn't get a close look at him, but it was close enough for me to remember him for a long time. Blonde brown hair, blue eyes, and a cute smile. I thought I would never talk to him. Until a year later, when I finally did.


The first time I laid eyes on Ali, I was enchanted. Her eyes were a sparkling blue, as deep as the ocean. Her long brown hair cascaded down her back. Her smile seemed to make everyone around her smile. I knew, from that moment, that I was drawn to her.


*a couple years ago*

A new school year had started. Year Seven to be exact. Great. I glanced down at my schedule. English, Science, Math, History, all that crap.

"Hey Niall!" I turned around. Liam came running towards me.

"Hey man!" I smiled. "What's up?"

"Nothing. Hey, have you heard about the new girl?"

"What new girl?"

"I dunno, I just heard that there's some kind of new girl here. What's her name? Alice? Alyssa? Alex?"

"Alex? Alexandra Evans?"

"Yeah!" Liam nodded. I laughed.

"Liam, she's not new. She came last year. I haven't seen her before, though."

"Oh-never mind then. I need to keep up with all the drama here. I heard she's really hot though" I patted his back.

"Don't worry mate, it'll be alright." The first bell rang. "I got to go. See you later?" Liam nodded and waved, and I walked to English.

Then, I saw her. Well, actually, I crashed into her. When I walked through the door, I bumped into someone, papers flying everywhere. A heavy textbook landed on my toe.

"OUCH!" I bent down, and grabbed my toe.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" The voice said. Her voice was like the sound of bells ringing. I looked up, into what had to be the most bluest eyes ever. The girl had a frantic look on her face.

"Uh-yeah! Yeah, I'm perfectly fine, sorry for bumping into you." I bent down to pick up her papers. She did the same.

"No, it's my fault I wasn't watching where I was walking." I gave her the papers. "Thanks." she smiled at me. I smiled. She had dimples on both sides of her cheeks. Her brown hair framed her face perfectly. She looked down at the ground.

"So, what's your name?" I asked.

She looked up, her blue eyes meeting mine."I'm Alexandra Evans."

A Time Forgotten (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now