Chp 9

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A few days later, I woke up at 4 in the morning. I turned over in my bed. I was wide awake. Images of Amie in the hospital flooded my mind. I sat up. I needed to think. Should I go run outside? No, I might get kidnapped. Should I eat? No, probably best not to. Watch TV? I guess so.

I went downstairs, and turned on all the lights. I plopped onto the couch. I turned on the TV, and moved my cursor as I had done a thousand times before. I scrolled through all the choices, and clicked on The Vampire Diaries. It looked somewhat interesting. It was probably a good distraction too, with all the blood and supernatural things.

After the first ten minutes, I was completely intrigued. Damn, the vampire guy was hot. The main character was named Elena. The Elena I knew was way worse than the Elena on my TV screen. I stood up, ran into the kitchen to grab a banana, then ran back to the sofa. I peeled the banana while my eyes stayed glued on the screen.


By the time I got to school, I was as dead as a zombie. Once my eyelids closed I had to use all force to open them. Watching four episodes was a lot of work. On top of that, I didn't get much sleep before. I was almost going to be late to school, so I literally sped my way there. My hair was in a messy ponytail, and I was still in my t shirt and sweatpants. I slid into my seat in English, and put my head down on the desk.

"Hey, you alright?" a voice asked. I looked up. Niall looked worriedly at me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm tired, is all."

"From doing what?" Louis, the guy sitting next to me asked. He wiggled his eyebrows sugggestively. I rolled my eyes.

"Not anything you're thinking of. Get your mind outta the gutter." He laughed. Niall sat down in front of me, and turned around.

"No, but seriously. What were you doing?"

"I might have been watching TV since four AM..."

"What were you watching, porn?"

"Louis!" Niall and I both scolded him. He laughed and smiled innocently.

English was a blur. I faintly remember Louis telling me about his new Nike shoes, but I didn't care. At lunch, I sat with Niall and his other friends. They were mostly talking about cars and video games, so I tuned out. I took out my phone, plugged my earbuds in, and listened to some music. Royals by Lorde. I smiled while munching on my sandwich.

"What are you listening to?" Niall turned around and asked me. Instead of answering, I took one of my earbuds and put it into his ear. He quietly listened to the song with me. 

"I like it, it's cool." he said, when the song was over. We both listened to my playlist until lunch was over. 

"See ya later, Niall." I waved at him.

"See ya, Ali." he replied. I walked to gym class.

The rest of the day was blah, blah, blah. Without Amie, school just wasn't fun.

When I got home, I did the usual. Ate, did my homework, texted, listened to music. Ate some more. I laid on my bed, browsing on my laptop. I sighed. I had finished all my homework, and was as bored as hell. I grabbed the slice of pizza on my nightstand and stuffed it into my mouth. My parents were on a business trip for the week, so I was alone in the house.

A thought popped into my head. I was alone in the house.

I texted Niall, asking him if he wanted to come over. He quickly replied that he would be here in 10. I texted him my address, then threw my phone onto the bed. I stood up, and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I tried brushing my hair, but it kept getting stuck in the tangles. I finally gave up. I looked at my t shirt and sweatpants. I shrugged. They'll do. I went downstairs, and plopped onto the sofa. I glanced at the clock. 6:05. After a while, the doorbell rang.

A Time Forgotten (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now