Chp 8

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I woke up with the sun setting- or was it dawning?- on me. I looked around. I was in the nurse's office. My thoughts were jumbled for a moment, then they assembled. I shot up and looked around. I looked at my arms. They weren't stained with blood. Someone had washed them, but who? Was Amie in the hospital? What happened to Amie?

Then, the memories came. Amie in the janitor's closet, punched and bruised. Her murmuring Elena's name.

"Ali." a voice said. I felt someone shaking my shoulder.

I whipped my head around. Could Elena be coming for me? Then a familiar face came into focus. Liam? My heart sunk a little bit. I had hoped to see Niall.


"She's okay. She's in the hospital. I was planning to visit her today. Hey-"

I cut him off. "Okay. We're going. Right now. We're ditching class." Liam started to protest but I dragged him over to my car and pushed him in before he could get out. I slammed the door and turned on the engine. I pressed the pedal, and I didn't stop until I saw the hospital.

"Ali! Slow down! Or we're gonna die!"

"Amie is about to die, ok?" I pushed the pedal down further, urging the car forward. We screeched to a stop at the looming white building that was the local hospital. I ran in, Liam trying to catch up.

"My friend is in the hospital do you know what her room number is her last name is Lloyd." I spit out, taking a huge breath after I said it. The receptionist looked up at me calmly like she had seen this everyday. "Miss, your friend, Amie, is it? Well, she's been put to sleep, and the doctors are inspecting her right now. We're sorry, visiting hours aren't right now." I slammed my fist down and leaned forward. The receptionist flinched a little.

"My friend got beat up. Her body was covered in bruises, blood was coming out everywhere, and you're telling me that I can't see her?" I hissed.

"We're sorry miss. We can't let you see her. We'll have to call security if you keep acting this way." My shoulders slumped. No way.

"Hey, it's okay. The doctors are taking care of her. We'll come back later, ok?" Liam said gently, putting his hand on my shoulder. I turned towards him, the tears threatening to come out of my eyes.

"Do you not care about her, Liam?" I whispered.

"I do...but I know she'll be fine. She's strong, don't worry. She wouldn't want you to be like the mess you are right now anyway." I sighed. Liam gently guided me back to my car. We drove back to school. I parked the car. We walked to our class. The teacher gave us detention slips, but I couldn't care less.

The day dragged on. I was always thinking about Amie. How was she? Is she okay? Will she be okay? Finally, when the last bell rang, I raced out of the classroom. I bumped into someone.

"Miss Evans? So eager to go to detention?" I looked up at Ms. Collins. I groaned. I completely forgot about detention! I turned around, and slowly walked to her classroom. I slid into a seat, and faced the board. Slowly, kids started coming in. I took out my notebook, and started doodling.

"Ali?" I looked up. Niall stood in front of me.

"Hey!" I smiled. He smiled back. "You have detention too?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yeah, Ryan pushed me in World History, and I pushed him back. Teacher thought I started it, though." I laughed. Niall slid into the seat next to mine. "You?"

I sighed. "Yeah, I ditched class for a bit." He nodded.

"To visit Amie at the hospital?" I looked at him weirdly.

A Time Forgotten (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now