Chapter 1

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Hey guys so here is my first chapter on this book so I hope you guys like it and comment on how this chapter went. Also sorry if I make a lot of mistakes its my first time writing a story so please don't judge me.

Now I will leave you to your reading lol.
It was just an ordinary day at domino city high school where Yugi goes to the office, to grab his locker combination where all of a sudden an announcement comes over the intercom "Hello Domino City High School, today is September 3rd I hope you guys had a great summer! And great news we have a some New Students this year and were hoping you guys will be friendly and introduce yourselves to them. Have a great year and go get those good grades!!"

    When yugi heard that there were going to be new students he groaned.
"Ugh, new students hope they are not like those rich and spolied kids."  Yugi thought when he was done grabbing his stuff that he needed for first period. He closed his locker and started to walk to class until he heard an all to familiar Brooklyn accent calling his name.

  "Hey yugi, wait up bud"

  "Hey Joey, What do you have first period?"

"I have science first period. What do you have?"

" I have science too!!"

"That means we get to be in the same classes together!!" Joey said.


"You know what this calls for?"

"You bet."


Just when they were about to do there little dance number dance the bell rang and both Yugi and Joey sprinted off to class. When they got to their saw there other friends Tristan,Malik,and Ryou sitting in the back talking to each other. Yugi and Joey walked up two them and sat down in their desks.

"We'll look who decided to finally show up. Hey guys." Tristan said

"Hey" both Yugi and Joey said

"So how was your guys summer been?" Asked Ryou

"My summer was good, How was yours?" Said Yugi


The second bell rong meaning that class was starting. The teacher walked in and started writing their name on the board.

"Good morning class my name is Mr.Green and I understand that we have some new students today so could you guys please come on in and introduce yourselves."

Then came in Bakaura,Marik,and Yami. Most of the kids in the class gasps in shock especially Malik,Ryou, and Yugi. Why because they almost look exactly alike! Yami was the first to speak and when he spoke it made Yugi have butterflies for some reason.

"Hi, my name is Yami Senna and these are my brothers Marik and Bakaura.

"So they are brothers." Yugi thought while admiring Yami and how cute he looked...wait did I just say he was cute? Come on Yugi you just saw him today and you are already catching feelings for him?

Yugi just shook his head and payed his attention back to his teacher.

"Well hello Yami,Marik and Bakaura, you guys will be sitting right next to Yugi,Malik and Ryou. Could you guys please raise your hand so they can go find there seats?"

At the same time Ryou, Malik, and Yugi raised there hands. Bakaura,Marik,and Yami where shocked at who they were sitting by but shook the shock away and went to there seats.

"Hey my name is Yugi." Yugi said while extending his hand to him

"Nice to meet you Yugi. Hmm Yugi I like that name it really goes well with a boy as cute as you." Said Yami smirking

Yugi was blushing madly by this point and tried to hide it by covering his face with his bangs.

"Mhmm t-thanks" Yugi said blushing madly

" Yami,Yugi pay attention and turn to your textbooks to chapter 1 in your science books."

"This is going to be a long year." Yugi thought before daydreaming about Yami.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter ☺️
Please comment what you think about this chapter and comment any suggestion of ideas that I should do for the next chapter and also vote on this story if you want.

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