Chapter 1: New Boy

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-----This was my first chapter and it isn't as well written as the rest of this FanFiction, but I promise that the rest of this FanFic is good. Also, the other chapter after Chapter 3 are 2,000-4,000 words!---

It's the first day of Freshman year and everybody's already obsessing over the new boy, Ricky Garcia. However, I have no interest in him or any boys. I'm focused on school and dance.

  Kalani and I decided to walk to school for the first day.
  "Aren't you even a little excited to meet Ricky Garcia?" Kalani asked.
  "No way! He's probably a big snob because he's rich and on TV!"
  "Well I'm excited!" Kalani says loudly.
  When we walk into the unfamiliar high school halls, there are rows of girls along the lockers, waiting for Ricky. They all have pens and papers ready for him to sign.
  I roll my eyes. I find that pretty much all the girls at this school are either drama queens or preps.
  I part with Kalani because I know she wants to stand with the group of people to greet Ricky. As I reach my locker I open it and put my books and bag inside. I check my Instagram and snapchat one more time before I go to homeroom.
  As I'm scrolling through my feed all the girls start jumping up and down squealing. I know I need to quickly make my way to homeroom before it's too late and I get caught in a herd of groupies.
  I turn quickly to leave my locker when I'm bumped from the side. I fall to the ground and my things fling all over the crowded hallway. It gets quiet as I start to yell at whoever bumped into me.
  "Are you serious! Watch where you're going!" I yell.
  "I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention."
  I turn and realize that it's Ricky Garcia. He holds out his hand and I take it. I give his hand a harsh squeeze to show my anger. As I start to get up and I feel his hand and realize how soft it is. He must use some expensive moisturizer.
  When I'm on my feet, he kneels and collects my books for me. As he stands he hands them to me and apologizes once more.
  "Just watch where you're going next time!" I say a little ruder then I intended but whatever.
  "I know." Ricky says quietly.
  I kinda feel bad for being a jerk but just because Ricky's rich doesn't mean he doesn't have to be sorry.
  I turn and walk away quickly. As I walk into homeroom I hear the commotion start up again. I roll my eyes and shake my head in frustration. This is why I don't date!

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