Chapter 7: I hate my feelings...

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I woke up to shuffling movement beside me. I blink a few times and roll onto my other side, only to come face to face with a sleeping Ricky.
I stared at him, slowly studying his features as he rested. His jaw line was well defined, his nose was the perfect fit for his face, his cheek bones were the definition of amazing, and his eyebrows were the perfect shape. I smiled to myself thinking about Ricky and his personality. He's caring, kind, patient, understanding, and as an extra, he's hot.
I chuckle to myself.
When I do this, Ricky stirs in his sleep and moves closer to me, If that's even possible!
He moves his arm, draping over my side and pulling me to him. My face is now in his chest and his chin is resting on my head. Our legs are intertwined and my arm is now hugging Ricky back.
Ricky starts to grind his teeth, which vibrates my skull, and he takes in a deep breath, releasing it seconds later.
After a few moments of silence, I can reassure myself he's asleep. I lift my head slowly and carefully to glance at the clock. The moon was still shining brightly so I knew it wasn't day, but I needed to know what time it was.
1:22 a.m.
I smiled to myself. I still had plenty of time to sleep!
I lay my head back down in its original spot and close my eyes. Ricky began to move his head, trying to get comfortable. He started to mumble some inaudible words in his slumber which made me smile even deeper.
Seconds later, Ricky is still and his breathing is in a steady rhythm. I listen to his breathing as I drift of into a fitful sleep.
---(Dream...More like Nightmare)
"Hey Chloe!" Ricky called to me in a sweet tone.
I smiled at him as he approached me, pulling me into a hug.
I hear footsteps coming from behind Ricky, soon enough, Maddie and her posse formed around Ricky's. Maddie intertwined her fingers with Ricky's and grabbed his face, pulling him into a deep kiss. They move in sync as the kissing continues, even a little tongue action was shared between them. I scrunch my face up in disgust, trying to look away.
Every time I turned to look away, I would see them. I couldn't escape them and their kissing! I closed my eyes shaking my head quickly, trying to rid myself of the image, but it didn't work! They were everywhere and I started to feel tears forming in my eyes.
"Stop!" I shout, but it only comes out as a whisper.
Maddie turns to me and begins to taunt me by calling me fat and ugly and soon enough her posse joins in sing-song. I look to Ricky and find him mouthing the words with an evil smirk on his face.
"No Ricky! Stop!" I shout, my voice shaky.
"Why Chloe? It's all true! You are the definition of flaw and Maddie is the definition of perfect. If only you were more like her!" With that, he turned to her and they began kissing again.
Soon after, darkness surround me and I began to feel myself shaking.
"Chloe! Chloe! Wake up!" I heard Ricky call.
"What!" I shouted as I shot up in Ricky's bed.
I could feel that I was drenched in sweat and I was panting hard as if I had just ran a marathon. Ricky's one hand is rubbing my back and the other is holding my arm.
  I tried hard to steady my breathing and stop my intense shaking, but it was no use. I could feel the tears, threatening to fall from my eyes and trace my soft features.
  I look to Ricky, he has a concerned look painted on his face and his eyes are filled with care. That's when I begin to remember my nightmare and what Ricky had said and what he'd done as well.
  I could no longer hold back my tears as they flowed at a fast pace from my chocolate brown eyes. I feel Ricky's arms snake around my small figure as he pulls me into him.
  I am now sitting in his lap as he rocks from side to side and rubs my back. His breath continues to blow over my face, fanning me. My eyes start to feel heavy and I bury myself further into Ricky's shoulder. 
  After a while of me dozing off and on, Ricky lays me down on the bed and covers me with his duvet. He then lies next to me and pulls into his arms. He buries hi face in my neck, his soft breath blowing across my collar bone. His arm is rested around my waist and his legs are intertwined with mine, just like before.
  I listen to his breathing and soon begin to doze again, this time letting the darkness of sleep engulf me.
  I reach forward to wrap my arm around Ricky, but when I do, he isn't there. I slowly open my eyes to see Ricky laying in the opposite side of the bed sleeping. I watch him as his chest lifts up and down at a steady pace. His beautiful face is in a relaxed state except for his furrowed eyebrows.
Why did he move away from me? Does he not like me? Is he mad at me? Did he realize that him sleeping and holding me was a mistake? Was he falling for Maddie instead of me?
  All these thoughts began to flood my mind as I watched Ricky. I could feel my breath pick up as I began to fight back my tears.
Stop being so stupid Chloe! He's a famous actor and a great singer and I'm a crappy dancer with no friends.
  I pull the duvet off of me and swing my legs over the side of my bed. My feet touch the cold floor and I make my way to the bathroom down the hall.
  I knock on the door twice to make sure his mom or someone isn't in there. After a moment of waiting and no reply, I push the large door open and close it behind me, making sure to lock it.
  I turn the small corner and gaze into the mirror. I touch my face and study myself, turning to the side to see my stomach. It doesn't stick out, but I still have to check and make sure I'm not gaining weight. Abby always yells at me for not being "lean" enough, and telling me I need to eat less and drink more fluids.
  My mom always tells me that I'm the perfectly normal size and I shouldn't listen to Abby, but I can't help but believe her words just a little.
  I look back my face again, pointing out each of my imperfections, then shedding some tears.
  I quickly grab a tissue from the box next to the sink and dab under my eyes.  I throw the tissue in the silver waste bin under to sink and make my way to the bathroom door. I open it to find Ricky standing in front of me with tired eyes and a serious look on his face.
  "Chlo?" He asked quietly with concern.
  I ignored him and walked around him, after a few steps, I'm stopped by a pull on my wrist. I turn to face Ricky, he looks at my face, studying all of my flaws and imperfections. I suddenly become very self conscious and turn my face away from him so he couldn't look any longer.
  "Chloe, what's wrong?" He asked me with a serious tone.
  I didn't answer once again, I just pulled my wrist out of his grip and walked away, leaving him staring at me dumbfounded in the long hallway.
  I get back to his room and walk over to my phone that was now rested on the bed side table. I pick it up and look to find a few Instagram notifications and a text from Kalani.
She hasn't bothered to talk to me in a while, what does she want?
  I unlocked my phone and clicked my message tab. I opened her text message and read it to myself, "Hey Chloe! We haven't talked since that Maddie thing and I was just wondering if you wanted to come to the mall with me today!"
Jeez Louise! She really does have some nerve! Not sticking up for me and then asking if I want to spend time with her! Heck no!
I type my reply quickly with anger, "Dear backstabbing friend named Kalani, I will not be going to the mall with you, for I am very busy today with my real friends who stand by me no matter what! Thanks for the invite though! The sorry but I'm not sorry, Chloe!"
I smile, happy with my reply, and set my phone back down on the night stand.
I hear footsteps behind me, knowing they're Ricky's, my smile turns to a frown.

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