Chapter 3: At the End of the Day

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I make my way towards Ricky to try and help him but, I can't push through the crowd. I mouth, "Sorry", to Ricky and walk into the lunch room. I spot Kalani sitting at the popular table and I make my way over. Although, I'm not very comfortable with the idea of sitting there, because I don't see my self as a popular student. Reluctantly, I sit down next to Kalani, and Ginny, the most popular and wealthy student at school, looks at me with a disapproving glare, then again, I did take the last seat at the table-for-12.
About two minutes later, Ricky walks in and Ginny runs over to him and tells him to come sit at the table with her. As they make their way over to us, Ginny points at me and yells, "Go find somewhere else to sit! This table isn't for losers!" Everything got quiet and all eyes are were me so, I stand up, grab my lunch box, and run out of the lunch room. I can hear the commotion pick back up and people laughing.
I keep running till I reach the bathroom. I look in the mirror at myself, and I keep telling myself that I'm okay, but I'm beginning to not believe it. I feel tears pricking my eyes and I don't think slapping myself will help this time. I keep whispering to myself repeatedly, "it's okay, it's okay," but I feel the tears about to start.
I can't help but, think about what Ginny did over and over till my tears start to flow like water works. I walk out of the bathroom because a few girls walked in and I go to the library where I can be alone. I sit in the far corner and bury myself underneath a bean bag chair like a hermit crab. I keep crying uncontrollably and I just want to curl into a ball and be alone.
I lay under the chair for what seems like forever, sniffling because my tears have finally ceased. I stare out the window and think about Ricky and how stupid I am for thinking that he was any different from the other guys at school who were jerks. The truth is, he's the same as them, no different, cause if he was, he would've done something or came and checked on me by now. Then again, maybe I'm just too selfish to realize that Ricky has his own problems in life and he doesn't have time to sit here and baby me, just because my feelings are hurt.
I hear the bell ring for next period, but I can't get up and go to class, how could I? It's just too embarrassing and I'd look like a loser because I got kicked out of the popular table.
The Librarian comes over towards me and tells me that I must go to my next period. So I get up, tell her I'm sorry for all the crying, and I leave. When I exit the Library, the halls are empty and I know it's because I'm late. I go to my locker and gather my things for Gym and I hope and pray that Ricky isn't in gym this period too. When I get to the gymnasium, I see Ricky lined up with his group ready to go outside to the track. I quickly change and give my gym teacher the note from the Librarian, Mrs.Walsh, that she gave to me so I wouldn't get a tardy.
Outside at the track, it's cool and breezy, which is nice, so I decide to jog instead of walk. The sky is so blue with no clouds for miles and the sun is shining bright onto the red track.
I look at the sky some more, daydreaming about things that I'd like to happen to me, when I feel a hand on my shoulder pulling me back. I turn around and find that it's Ricky.
"Are you okay?" He asks sincerely.
"Not like you would care Ricky!" I say with anger raging through me.
"I do care Chloe, more than you know!"
"Well you sure showed it! And you don't know me! You can't care about someone you haven't said more than 10 words too!" I shout then I turn and begin jogging again.
Ricky runs up to me to try and argue his case some more.
"Chloe I care! I really do! Even if you don't believe me!"
"Then where were you? Huh? Where were you when I needed a shoulder? Why didn't you stick up for me? Why didn't you look for me!?"
"I should have done all of that but, I didn't want to look like a jerk ditching everyone else at the table who were trying to talk to me!"
"That is one of the reasons why I don't date or even socialize with boys! Cause they're all the same! They don't care about feelings, only their image! Even you Ricky!" This time he steps back and an innocent look comes across his face then, I turn and run, this time as fast as I can with tears running down my face.
Finally, it's the end of the day and my mom is picking me up, so I wait on the curb for her to pull up. I spot Ricky standing next to Kalani talking to her, and I see Kalani looking at me, smiling. I quickly look away and continue watching for my mom to turn into the parking lot. After about 15 minutes, I'm finally home and I go up into my room, shut the door, and plop on my bed. I watch my fan, following its blades in circles with my eyes.
I can't believe what happened today, I'm starving cause I ended up not eating my lunch due to the fact that I was crying. I keep thinking about the conversation, more like fight, Ricky and I had at the track. I kinda feel bad, but at the same time I don't because, Ricky was a jerk today and he needed to know how I feel.
After dinner, I head back to my room and put in my headphones. I check my Instagram and Facebook, while listening to Nicki Minaj rap one of her quick ones.
It's about 9:30pm and I put my things up and plug my phone in so it'll charge over night. I lay back in my bed and close my eyes, drifting into a deep sleep.

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