Chapter 8: Queen Maddie

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I turn around to face Ricky, a deep frown on my face. Ricky stood in the door way, quietly, staring at me intently, his face expressionless.
I turn my gaze to the floor, refusing to look into his intense, probably meaningless, gaze.
"Chloe I..., what's wrong? You're acting weird..." He said in a soft tone.
"Nothing Ricky, I need to be making my way home now..." I started walking towards his bedroom door, but he stepped in my way.
  "Chloe..." He said in monotone.
  I look into his grayish-blue eyes and try to make my look cold, let me tell ya, I didn't work very well. My look probably resembled a constipated cow...
  I put my hands on Ricky's chest and began to push him so I could get by, but he didn't budge.
  "Ricky move!" I shout but he just replies with a what's wrong again. I keep telling him to move, but he just uses the same reply.
  Tears begin to form in my eyes from all the frustration, worry, and anger I've been storing inside since I first met Ricky.
Maddie! Stupid Maddie! That's what's wrong! I hear the very stupid, but very correct vice in my head.
"Chloe! Answer me!" I could hear that his voice was laced with annoyance.
This made me mad! If he would just move, he wouldn't be annoyed. He could be sleeping or playing xbox!
"You wanna know what's wrong! Well you're looking at her! I'm what's wrong Ricky! Look at me! Just look at me!" And so he did, he looked me up and down and smiled, biting his bottom lip.
I was currently in my booty sleeping shorts and a shirt of Ricky's that was a tad big on me.
"I am..." Ricky replied in a soft voice.
He took two steps towards me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
My breath hitched in my throat and my heart began to beat rapidly, my palms getting sweaty.
He smiled then looked down to my lips.
Oh my goodness! Is he gonna kiss me! Wait! What about morning breath! Eww! I still wouldn't mind a kiss though...
Ricky began to lean in and tilt his head slightly to the right. I didn't really know what I was doing, so I just let Ricky do what he's doing. His eyes flutter shut and so do mine, I can feel his breath on my face.
His lips are about to meet mine when we hear a squeaky high pitch voice calling Ricky's name while feet move up the stairs.
I groan in irritation and back out of Ricky's hip just as Maddie walks through the door.
"Hey Ricky baby! How's my favorite boyfriend?" She asks in that preppy tone that I hate.
My eyebrow twitches in anger and I just want to slap Maddie across her perfect face, but I hold myself back.
"Maddie, I'm not your boyfriend..." Ricky states matter of factly.
I giggle when Maddie makes a sad face, but she quickly recovers.
"What do you mean Ricky? We did kiss plenty of times, isn't that what couples do?" She was acting all innocent and sweet and it made me extremely mad.
  Ricky didn't reply which made me even more mad, so I went around him and Maddie to leave, but not before calling back to them, "Well you two lovebirds have a great day together! I'm sure it'll be fun!" Hint the sarcasm.
  Ricky looked at me with wide eyes, silently pleading me to rescue him from Maddie. This was my revenge, so there was no way I was helping him out. He didn't tell Maddie that the kisses meant nothing, so obviously he wants to spend time with her. Well that's what I've given them, time.
I decided to go home and I didn't want to be a bother and ask for a ride, so I walked. I was clearly working up a sweat since it's a three or four mile walk with a bunch of twists and turns.
When I get home, I call for my mom.
  "I'm coming Chlobird!" She shouted back from some wear in our good sized house.
  When she appeared, she had a bunch of papers in her hands and a huge smile on her face.
  "We're finally getting out! Your contract is up and we're getting out! Here is a bunch of studios who want you, so decide which one!" And with that she stocked off.
What? Is she serious! Finally I can escape from Maddie!
  I decide to call Paige and tell her the great news!
  "Hello?" Paige answered after the second ring.
  "Hey Paigey! I'm changing studios cause my contract is up and I'm so excited, I just had to tell someone!" I replied quickly.
  "Chloe! Oh my gosh! You should come to the studio I go to! It's Studio 19! You'd love it so much! Please!!!!" She begged with her high pitched voice.
  "I'll check with Mom, but that would be so much fun!" With that we hung up.
  I decided that I wanted to go to the beach today, so I packed up a beach bag, texted Paige, and 15 minutes later, we were setting up our towels on the sand.
  We had been talking about Paige's new dog Alfie the whole way here and now we were running into the water, hand in hand.
  The water was pretty warm, probably because it was 107 degrees (Fahrenheit) today and there wasn't a cloud in the sky.
  Paige and I were swimming and we saw a decent sized wave coming towards us. I decided that when it went over us I would swim to the bottom of the floor and hide from Paige until I couldn't hold my breath anymore.
  As the wave came closer, it got huge, bigger than any wave I have ever seen before.
  I'll admit, I was kinda scared. I grabbed Paige's arm and as the wave got even closer, I yelled to Paige, "Dive under the wave with me, and don't let go!" She nodded with fear in her eyes. I gave her my best reassuring smile.
  The wave came to us seconds later and we dove at the bottom of it, which wasn't hard at all. What came after the wave, was some strong currents pulling us towards the shower, but at the same time ripping us apart. We held on to each other tightly and refused to let go.
  After a few seconds, the current let up and we ran to shore, coughing and gasping for air. We exchanged looks and started laughing uncontrollably!
"That was crazy! I almost pooped my pants!" Paige yelled with excitement.
"Yeah I could tell by the face you made!" I started to laugh again, doubling over.
We sat and ate our lunch, my mom packed it, and we talked about what's new in life.
"So how about Ricky? How's it going with him?" She asked wriggling her eyebrows are me.
I sighed and explained to her everything that happened yesterday and last night and today, I didn't leave out the almost kiss either.
"Well sounds like he likes you Chlo!" She sure was full of herself.
Ricky doesn't like me, I'm an average 14 year old blonde who is middle class and smart.
  "Whatever..." I replied.
  We tanned for 30 minutes on our backs then rotated into out fronts. I always loved tanning, you can feel the heat on you skin and it's so warm. When the breeze blows, it provides you with a few seconds of relief, then you hear up again.
  While tanning I listened to the waves and the birds, as well as passing people's conversations, slowly dozing off.
  As I was about to fall asleep, my phone rang, playing my Nicki Minaj ring tone of The Night is Still Young.
  I answered it without looking at the caller ID.
  "Hello?" I said in a tired voice.
  "Chloe! It's Ricky! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later... I know you left on a bad note with Maddie showing up and all, but I wanna talk to you! I miss you! And I know we've only been apart for a few hours, but I wanna hangout!" He said in an almost pleading way.
  "Uh, I'm with Paige right now at the beach and we were planning on staying till like 6 and it's only 2, so..."
  "Oh, can I come hangout? If you don't mind of course..."
  Oh my gosh, he wants to come to the beach! He's gonna have no shirt on, I have a bikini on! Oh my!
  I looked over to Paige to ask her if it was ok only to find her staring at me smiling and bouncing up and down.
  "Sure, we're about a mile from the board walk, if you wanna join us..." I told him.
  "Great! I'll be there in 20 minutes!" And with that he hung up leaving me dumbfounded.
"Well you better make any last minute fixes huh?" Paige said with a smirk.
(20 minutes later)
Paige and I had laid back on our towels after Ricky called and I drifted off completely.
I began to stir awake and I rolled over, sticking my arm out to the side. I felt something under my arm, it was solid yet soft. I pulled the object closer and rested my head on it. I could feel it moving up and down at a steady pace. After a few seconds I opened my eyes to the sound of Paige yelling.
She was giggling while running around with Ricky's dog, Toto.
Where's Ricky?
I turned my head to look at what I had been laying on, and see Ricky sleeping.
I didn't know what to do, so I just stared at his peaceful face. He's so beautiful when he's asleep. I looked to his lips and saw how they were set into a straight line. I brought my hand up and rubbed his cheek, my head still on his chest.
He turned his head into my touch and he reached up and grabbed my hand, caressing it with his.
His eyes fluttered open and he looked straight at me.
A paint of crimson red spread across my cheeks and I sat up quickly. I went to stand up when Ricky pulled me back down so I was laying half on him and half off. He smiled at me and studied my face.
  "What?" I asked quietly smiling at him.
  "Nothing, your just beautiful Chloe... So beautiful." He said, his smile growing even bigger.
"Ricky stop..." I said my smile fading.
I looked away and off into the distance, watching the waves crash down on the shore, and Paige still chasing the dog.
Ricky took his finger under my chin and turned me to look at him.
"Why? It's true! You're the prettiest girl I've ever met! Inside and out..." He told me, his smile not wavering.
"Besides Maddie..." I mumbled.
"No! You're so much greater than Maddie! Your everything anyone could ever want." I looked at him, not believing what he had just said.
I didn't reply, I just searched his eyes for truth and honesty, and of course, that's what I found.
The blush crept up on me once again and I couldn't help but wear a small smile.
Even if Maddie's a Queen to all the other guys, she wasn't to Ricky.
"Are you sure Queen Maddie isn't fit for that role?" I asked sarcastically.
"Maddie is the last person who could fill the slot." He said, brushing his hand across my cheek.
   This time I stood up without be pulled down.
  "I'm gonna go run around with Paige and Toto if you don't mind..." I said rather shyly.
  Ricky nodded and stood up, following me.
  It was then that I noticed I didn't have my coverup on and I was in my bikini.
  My face got extremely red, but I tried to act natural, hoping Ricky wasn't checking me out.
  Paige and Toto were playing with the frisbee by the shoreline, so I joined in with Ricky and we threw it in a triangle, Toto following it.
  After 20 minutes of jumping and running, I was sweating and my face was burning.
  "Hey, you guys wanna swim?" Paige and Ricky both nodded, so I ran up to our blanket and spayed myself with some sunscreen and ran down to the water where Ricky and Paige were waiting.
  "Last one in is a rotten egg!" Paige shouted running of into the blue, almost green, ocean water. I followed, hot on her trail, into the water.
  We started jumping the waves that tried to force us out and went chest deep in the water. I looked back to find Ricky continuously dipping his toes in the water.
  I swam back to shore, leaving Paige in the chest deep water, and made my way to Ricky.
  By the time I got to shore, I was soaked, head to toe with the Luke warm salt water.
  "Ricky come on!" I said standing next him.
  "I don't know Chlo, it's kind of cold." He said with a hint of fear, probably cause I was standing next to him, drenched.
  I smirked and evil smirk to myself then opened my arms.
  "It's okay Ricky! We can hug out all your fear of the cold water! Come here!" He began to back up slowly with his hands up in surrender. I took this chance to lunge myself at him, which caused him fall back with me landing on top.
  "Oh Ricky! Is it still to cold! I asked laughing. I sat up, straddling his waist and laughing at him. He took both his hands and placed them on my hips, all the while laughing with me.
  He gave me a mischievous smile, then pushed me off of him. He stood up, then threw me over his shoulder, heading for the water.
  I started laughing uncontrollably and I smiled while dangling on his back side.
  Once we got chest deep, he lifted me off his shoulder, but he didn't let go of me. He held me by the waist while I rested my hands on his shoulder as we gazed into each other's eyes.
  I began shivering from the breeze that was blowing, so Ricky pulled me into a hug, me resting my head on his bare chest and him resting his arms in the small of my back.
  I had my arms wrapped around his waist and I pulled him close, stealing some of his body heat. After a minute or so, Ricky rested his heat on top of mine, while I listened to his steady heartbeat.
  I looked and saw Paige back on the shore with Toto. She was building a sand castle, well trying to, but it was probably really hard because Toto was digging into her pile of sand.
  I smiled to myself and pulled Ricky even closer. We stayed like that for 10 minutes, just standing in silence and listening to Paige yell at Toto and him bark in reply.
  Once Ricky started shivering, I offered to go back, which he gladly accepted, probably because he was cold.
  We walked over to the big blanket Paige brought and laid down, pulling my blanket over us. We had a space between us as we were both on our sides, facing each other. Ricky smiled at me which I returned to him.
  "You know Chlo, my Mom really likes you..." Ricky told me quietly.
  "Oh, well I'm glad..." I replied in the same hushed tone that Ricky had used.
  Ricky scooted closer to me and pulled me into his arms. I buried my face in his chest and breathed in his lingering scent, barely there from the water.
  My eyes got heavy and I closed them, slowly drifting off like earlier, except this time, Ricky was holding me close.
  "But not as much, nor in the way I like you Chlo..." He said in a whisper as I fell asleep.
Wait... What!? Did he just say he likes me? No he meant as in a friend, right? Oh, I hope he meant it as something more! Well he did almost kiss me this morning, or maybe I was the one that almost kissed him! Or maybe I was hallucinating! Oh geez, he is so confusing... Or maybe I'm just oblivious...
Hey guys, so I don't really do the authors note things, but I just wanted to say thanks for reading! You guys are awesome!

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Xoxo, Gossip Girl! Kidding!

Xoxo, Lizzy!💕

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