Chapter 5: Maybe he does care...

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When I got up the next morning, I put on my cloud print top and a black mini skirt with some white pumps. I straightened my hair and applied my makeup.
When I got to school, Maddie was leaning against my locker talking to Ricky. She looked at me and smirked.
I hate her! I hate her so much! I thought to myself.
She stands up and before she leaves, she hugs Ricky and whispers in his ear. He smiles at her and says goodbye. I ignore it as best I can and open my locker.
I have to go see Mrs. White before homeroom. I'll check in with my homeroom teacher first.
When I walk into Mrs.Whites room I see Maddie and her groupies. Maddie stares at me and mouths, "he's mine" then she turned her head back towards her friends.
I decided to just brush it off and carry on with the day.
Third period rolls around and I'm kind of excited to see Ricky! Even after this morning at the lockers and in Mrs.Whites room...
As I make my way to class, I feel a tap on my back. I turn around and see that it's Ricky. I get butterflies in my stomach instantly!
"Hey Chloe! I wanted to ask if you wanted to study after school for our algebra pretest..." He says smoothly.
"Oh! Umm... I don't think I have anything going on so sure! I'll just check with my Mom!" I say trying to hide my excitement.
"Ok awesome!" Ricky replies.
We take our seats in Mrs.Briody's room and she hands out the pretest study guide to the class. We go over it and I realize that I'll blow right through it with no problem. As for Ricky, well, he looked a little worried.
I chuckle to myself as I look at his expression. His jaw is practically on the floor!
He looks at me with innocent eyes and my heart melts.
How does he do that to me!?
I smile reassuringly at him and he seems to relax.
Do I have the same effect? No way! He likes Maddie!
I look away from Ricky and take a few breaths to suppress my tears.
I glance over at him and he has a concerned look on his face. I smile at him once more and he turns back to Mrs.Briody, as do I.
It's lunch time again and I head out to my usual spot but I don't sit down. I stare out across the beautiful, vast ocean. I smile to myself as the wind blows my hair back, like in the movies.
"Hey Chloe!" I hear Ricky say from beside me.
I practically jump out of my skin. Then I grab my chest and breath loudly for a few seconds trying to catch my breath.
"Jeez Ricky! You scared me!" I manage. I shove him playfully and laugh.
He comes back at me, grabs me around my waist, and swings me in circles.
We both laugh and smile at each other. I feel the butterflies flying in my stomach. They make their way up to my chest as I think about his warm touch around my waist.
  "I noticed you've been skipping lunch and coming out here, so I wanted to see what you were doing..." He says shyly.
  "Oh, yeah, I haven't really been eating lately... Kinda lost my appetite." I laugh nervously.
Ricky is standing really close to me, I can hear his breath and I closely examine his face.
He's so hot! I think to myself.
"Umm, well I'm gonna take my walk down the beach now... If you wanna join me..." I say awkwardly.
"Sure! I'll join you!" He says happily.
As we walk, the wind blows on us and I can smell his body spray. He smells so good! I just wanna bury myself in his chest and feel his warmth. But I know I can't do that because of Maddie.
"So, you wanna race?" Ricky asks with a half smile.
As we speed down the side the beach, Ricky has a good lead ahead of me. When he reaches the end he turns around to wait for me.
He begins to become blurry as I approach him, then the ground rushes towards me and I think I'm about to land on the sand when I come to a sudden stop.
I turn my head to see Ricky has caught me. He picks me up and holds me the way you hold a child when you rock it to sleep.
"Chloe!" He says concerned.
I shake my head to clear my vision and then I look to Ricky.
"I'm fine Ricky! Just need a drink!" I say cheerfully.
What just happened!? Why did I almost faint!? Probably because I haven't been eating...
"You can put me down now..." I smile at him.
"Are you sure? You look a little pale."
I can tell he's truly worried about me.
"Yeah, like I said, just need some water!" I giggle to try and get him to stop worrying and he slips a small smile to me.
As we walk back, Ricky stays close to me.
"Hey Chloe? Do you wanna hop on my back?" He asks.
"Sure!" I say.
I hop on his back and we continue our walk back to the school.
  "So how are you and Maddie going?" I ask nervously.
  "What! Maddie and me!? Never!" He says.
  "Oh I thought since you guys kissed and she always by your locker in the morning..." I look away.
  "She came onto me when we kissed and I don't want to be rude and shoo her away from my locker you know?"
  "Oh, yeah! I know what you mean!"
  "Besides, there's only one girl I've ever thought about kissing..." He tells me.
Well Chloe, we know that isn't you...
  "Oh, really?" I say surprised.
At least it isn't Maddie!
I smile a big smile and I feel a lot better.
  "You can put me down now Ricky."
He looks at me then puts me down carefully.
I feel like I can eat for the first time since I met Ricky.
"So, we gonna study after school?" He asks.
"Sure, your house or mine?"
"We can go to my house, okay?"
"Sounds great!" I reply.
It's the end of the day and I've informed my Mom that I'll be going to a friends house to study.
"Hey Chloe! Ready to go?" Ricky asks me as I finish packing my bag at my locker.
We wait by the curb for his butler, Dane, to get us.
When Dane pulls up, he's driving a BLUE LAMBORGHINI GALLARDO!
I knew he was rich, but not this rich!!!
Ricky opens the door for me and I climb in the back.
As we pull out, I spot Maddie looking at me with her famous death stare. I feel chills run up my spine.
We arrive at Ricky's house, more like mansion, in 10 minutes. We head inside and Dane leaves to park the car in their garage.
Ricky's house is three stories and they have at least 25 acres of land! His house is white with marble pillars. He has rose bushes along the outside of their porch. They also have a large pool with an oak wood deck.
Ricky introduces me to his Mother and she offers us snacks. I kindly accept it and Ricky and I go to his room.
His room is painted dark blue with a white carpet. He has a 50 inch television on his wall and a ton of gaming systems. He also has a walk-in closet filled with clothes and shoes. He has a balcony that leads out of his room with French double doors. His bed is king sized with a cushioned, white backboard.
We sit down on his bed and pull out the pretest study guide that Mrs. Briody gave to us.
Once we finish the paper it is only 3:45, so Ricky and I decide to watch a movie together. As we flip through the channels, we find The Fault in Our Stars and decide to watch it.
By the end I'm crying with my face down on his comforter.
  "Umm, Chloe? Are you okay?" He asked worried.
  "Yeah I'm fine..." I say while crying into his sheets.
After about two minutes of crying I sit up and ask him where him bathroom is so I can clean up my smeared makeup.
He walks me to his bathroom and gives me some cotton balls and makeup remover that his mom had in her vanity.
"You know Chloe, you don't have to wear makeup." He says to me.
I stand silently as I wipe away my mascara.
"You're beautiful you know..." He continues.
I turn to him and half smile.
"You really are!" He says.
"Thanks..." I say with my head down.
I don't really see myself that way, but I don't wanna be a Debby-Downer so I just go with it.
I throw away the cotton balls and we head back to his bedroom. I sit down on his bed and check my phone. I have a text from Mom.
Mom: Are you coming home at all or you spending the night at your friends house since it's Friday?
Me: I don't know Mom. I doubt I'm spending the night...
I realize that Ricky's reading over my shoulder.
"Just buying myself some time!" I spit out quickly.
He smiles at me and chuckles.
"You know, we have a guest room if you wanna spend the night." He informs me.
"Oh no it's fine! Really! I'm just gonna go home in a little if that's okay..." I say.
"Ok. I'll tell Dane to bring the car around..." He says.
As we zoom down the interstate I stare out the moon roof. Ricky moves his leg close to mine so they're touching. My heart begins to pound and I feel the butterflies coming on.
We pull up to my house, which is only two stories, and Ricky and I hop out.
"I'll see you later!" I say to him with a sweet smile.
Then, suddenly, Ricky hugs me, holding me around my lower back. I quickly hug him back around his neck.
I can smell his heavenly body spray again and I feel like I never wanna leave his arms. They're warm and inviting, I like that.
After about a minute of hugging, we pull apart and say our final goodbyes.
As I lay in bed, I think about Ricky and today's events.
You know, maybe Ricky isn't so bad after all. He's so kind and he's caring.
I close my eyes and picture the day in my head over and over again.
Today was amazing!

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