Chapter 13: Winning was supposed to be fun!

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We got back from our trip two days ago and after resting for a day, we're back to the crazy schedules. Today is my dance competition at In10sity Dance Competition. It's my first dance competition with Studio 19 and I'm actually extremely nervous. Mom keeps telling me I'll do great as usual, but I can't help but to feel like everything is gonna go wrong.

I'm in the passenger seat of our car with my Mom driving and Ricky and his Mom following in their car behind us. Clara is passed out in her booster seat with her head against the window. It's a bit past noon and we just had lunch at Olive Garden with Ricky and his Mother. I didn't eat much because my nerves are at an all-time high and I didn't want to be reminded of what I ate before going on stage.

We are still about 45 minutes from the competition so I rest my head against the window and close my eyes. I listened to the soft music in the background as I imagined all the things that might happen at the competition like, running into the ALDC, forgetting my dance, messing up my dance, or having a confrontation with Maddie, yikes!

"Are you sure she isn't too heavy Ricky? We can wake her up no problem." I quickly realized I was being carried by Ricky.

"No, it's ok. We still have half an hour till the rest of the team gets here so she should rest." I smiled internally at his kindness and allowed myself to fall back asleep.


I felt something wet touch my nose and I quickly rubbed it. It happened two more times before I finally decided to open my eyes and see what it was. I came face-to-face with Ricky and his tongue sticking out of his mouth like a stick. He quickly sucked it back in and smiled at me innocently, which caused me to giggle at his childish games and swat his arm.

"Ricky, what are you doing?" I smiled at him as I noticed our position.

Ricky had me in his arms bridal style with my head resting on his chest as he sat in a chair. His arms supported my back and the underside of my knees.

"Waking you up Silly!" He brushed it off as if it was the normal thing to do.

"Why?" I groaned slightly.

"Time to get ready for the competition Chlobird." He then lifted my arms and acted as if he was going to drop me from his lap.

I squealed and latched my arms around his neck for support in case he actually let go. He began to laugh at me and my actions so I gave him my best glare before hopping off his lap and going to my seat with a mirror and beginning my makeup.

My solo, Battle Scars, is one of the first dances today and I have to be ready. My color scheme is teal and black with some sparkles. After I finished my makeup, I quickly changed and began to go over my dance with myself, my nerves returning.

"Okay girls, let's get going!" My dance teacher called and we all began to file out.

Ricky ran up to me just before I left and kissed my cheek whispering, "Good luck," in my ear.

I couldn't hide the smile that took over my face as we entered the sides of the stage and did some last minute stretching. I listened closely for my call as I rubbed my arms and went over my dance in my head. As I was string off into space, I was knocked from behind and almost face planted the floor. I turned around to see who bumped into me and came face to face with Maddie. I swallowed and took a deep breath before turning around and continuing with my previous actions.

"You know, Ricky only agreed to come because I texted him and told him I'd be here competing." I rolled my eyes, but kept quiet.

"Next up, number 226, Maddie Ziegler with her dance, I'm the best!" I laughed loudly at her dances name and whispered under my breath.

"Sure you are."

"Just watch Chloe." I could hear the cocky smirk in her voice but decided to keep my mouth shut.

To say Maddie's dance was age appropriate would be stretching the truth, really far. She had quite a few sexual moves in her dance and I began to feel as if she was only doing this because Ricky was in the audience. I was sure the judges wouldn't dare disqualify here because of her reputation, but that didn't make it ok for her to do it. When she finished, she came off the stage and bumped my shoulder.

"Ricky definitely enjoyed that one. Good luck Chlobird." She giggled and stood facing the stage.

"Next up, Number 227, Chloe Lukasiak with Battle Scars!" A loud applause broke through the silence of the crowd.

I took a deep breath and smiled before walking onto the stage. All Maddie's words and actions left my mind and I only focused on myself and my dance. When I finished, the crowd cheered loudly and my smile grew on my face. I exited the stage calmly and smiled at all my friends from Studio 19. I received multiple compliments and hugs from the girls as we walked back to the dressing rooms.

After our group dance, we all took place on the stage for the awards ceremony. I felt pretty confident about my dance results compared to Maddie's. They were starting with solos and began at third place.

"In third place, we have entry 216, Mocking Bird! In second place, we have entry 112, Ruler! And in first place, we have entry 227, Battle Scars!" I hopped up from my spot on the floor and walked to the front of the stage to receive my reward.

I looked to my Mom and Ricky and saw them both smiling widely and clapping while standing on their feet. I felt my breath fade as excitement filled me and I felt like jumping off the walls. The judges called out group awards, only first place.

"For the winning group, we have entry 602, Rise Up!" We all jumped to our feet and cheered loudly with pride and excitement.

We all bowed as everyone began to exit the stage. My group filled off a few feet from the edge of the stage, which was a good 15 feet from the ground. I was last in line, wearing my smile and holding my trophy close to me. I was towards the end when I received a knock from my sit and stumbled towards the edge of the stage. I couldn't stop myself as I went over the edge and fell to the floor.

I landed on my back, my head slamming off the ground and my breath being taken from my body. I couldn't move as I became paralyzed and confused. I could hear screams and cries from around me as people rushed around, yelling for someone to call an ambulance. My eyes closed as the pain became too much for me to bear and I slipped into darkness.


So school has become stressful and busy! I'm sorry for not updating! I've made the decision to update shorter chapters, but more of them! I was thinking like Monday and Thursday for updating! I'm not positive yet, but that is most likely it! If not I'll at least do twice a week on any day sometimes both in the same day!

Hope you liked the chapter!


That's all!

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