Chapter 6: Maddie isn't happy...

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Ok guys, so I'd like to dedicate this chapter to a close friend of mine, Cassidy, since she reads this fan fiction. Thanks for reading Cassidy and everyone else!
Beep, beep, beep, beep!
My alarm clock continues to yell at me.
I quickly hop out of bed and run to get a shower, then I do my usual makeup routine. I pick out my clothing and quickly got changed with 30 minutes to spare. (outfit above)
"Well you're quite ecstatic today Chlobird!" My Mom informs me as I eat my eggs and bacon she's prepared for me.
I smile to myself, "Yeah! Just happy it's finally Friday!"
Lie! I was actually happy because I get to see Ricky after an amazing day yesterday!
"Well hurry up! You don't want to miss the bus!" My mother replied satisfied.
"Of course Mother!" I say more to myself.
I quickly finish off my breakfast and put my plate in the sink for mom to wash later. I grab my book bag and slip on my Converse.
As I run to the door, my long hair flows elegantly behind me and I have the world's biggest smile plastered on my face.
"Hey! Don't forget! We have dance tonight! And I love you!" Mom shouted as I exited the house through our creme colored front door.
"Okay and dido Mama!" I replied.
My bus pulled up to the school and I was the last off.
"Have a nice day Marge!" I smile at my bus driver.
Marge is probably in her 70's, but still going strong.
"Bye bye dearie! You have a good day too okay!" She replies with happiness filling her voice.
I simply nod and hurry down the stairs of the bus.
I walk into the main doors seconds later and file into the hallway with the other kids.
As I reach my locker, I look down the hall to see Ricky talking to one of his guy friends, Nicholas, with his back to me.
I smile and look away opening my locker.
As the door creaks open a note falls out. I bend down and pick it up off the newly cleaned floors of the hall.
It's folded in half and the front reads, "Chloe..."
I open the note to find the whole page is filled with words.
As I start to read, my smile, from moments ago, fades as quickly as it came.
"Chloe, I don't know if you haven't gotten the hint maybe, but Ricky is mine! I mean, after all, he did take my first kiss! And let me tell you, it was amazing! I could definitely feel the Sparks between us as it happened. If Ricky didn't want the kiss, he could've easily pulled away... But he didn't! If this isn't enough of a hint for you to get lost, then you'll have to learn the hard way! My way!
P.s. Don't bother telling Ricky, he already said he doesn't like your loser drama. Oh and also, I don't think he wants ugly girls like you around to ruin his ego!
Kisses, Maddie"
I stared at the note in horror for a minute or so before I crumpled it in my fist and threw into my locker.
What the poop! Why would she write something like that! It isn't even true! Ricky even told me that kiss meant nothing and she came onto him! And ugly! Am I really that ugly... How did I not notice? No Chloe, you're perfect!
"Shut up..." I whisper to myself as I lean my head against my locker... "Chloe you're beautiful! Even Ricky told you that!"
Yeah but apparently he's been lying to you about some things, so how do you know he wasn't lying then?
"I don't, but I have to believe that he wasn't! I have to!"
Sure Chloe, whatever helps you sleep at night...
I punched my locker door and rested my head on it again.
"Hey Chlo!" I hear Ricky behind me.
Oh gosh! Oh gosh! Oh gosh!
I turn around and smile my best pretend smile at Ricky.
"Hey Ricky! Um I can't talk right now! Bye!" And with that I turn and run towards my homeroom.
The bell rings for lunch and I have completely lost my appetite after thinking about what Maddie had said in the note.
Ugly, ugly, ugly girl! The words played over and over in my head in sing song, taunting me.
I walked out of the doors and made my way to the beach, this is seeming to become my usual routine.
I groan in frustration and kick some sand.
I need to let off some steam! Running! Running is a great way to let off steam!
And with that I took of down the long stretch of the beach, not stopping till I was doubled over and breathing hard.
I smile to myself, feeling much better about my anger. I take of my socks and shoes and set them back away from the water.
I turn and stare off into the ocean, watching as the waves crashed onto shore, the water eating up the sand and washing over my feet.
I could feel the sand crabs under my feet, I start giggling uncontrollably.
I bend down and pick one up.
"Hey there buddy..." I whisper to the sand crab. He quickly seeks shelter in his shell and doesn't come out.
"I wish I had a shell like you, so I could hide from all the pain in the world..." I sighed and laid him back in the sand when the waves retreated into the ocean.
"What hurt Chloe?" A concerned voice asked from behind me.
I froze, I knew it was Ricky.
Oh gosh! What do I say!
"Um... What are you doing here Ricky..." I laughed nervously.
"Chloe, don't try and change the subject!" Ricky snapped sounding angry.
"What? In not changing the subject!" I laugh nervously again.
  "Chloe..." He reached his hand out and holds my elbow in his hand.
  I take two steps back and out of his reach.
   "Ricky... Just stop please... I don't want you to pretend you actually care for me! So please! Just leave me alone!"
I shouted with tears welling in my eyes.
  "Chlo, what are you talking about?" He asks dumbfounded.
  "Don't play stupid Ricky! You know what I mean!"
  "No Chloe I don't because I wasn't pretending, I never would Chloe! You're important to me!"
  "What!" I asked him trying to process what he has just told me.
  He moved closer to me, but I took another step back and held my hand up, motioning him to stop.
  "Ricky, that not what I heard!" I yelled at him, my surprise turning to anger.
  "Who told you all that?" He asked, his voice laced with anger.
  "Ma....I can't tell you!" I retorted.
  "Maddie did this! You really believe Maddie over me! Why Chlo?" He asked now with concern.
  "Because! What she said is true Ricky! You don't care about me! You didn't pull away when you and Maddie kissed and you don't need a ugly girl like me to ruin your big ego either!" By this point my knees are shaking, on the verge of giving out and the tears are rolling down my face.
  "Chlo! You're not ugly! You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met! And I tried to pull away during the kiss, but she wouldn't let go of me!" He has calm look on his face which instantly changed back to worried when my knees collapse from underneath me.
  I'm full in balling now and I'm scrunching the sand between my fingers. Ricky quickly sits down next to me and wraps his arm around my shoulders. In one swift movement, he pulls me into his arms and wipes my tears away.
  "Chlo, I don't like seeing you hurt... You such a good person, and I love that about you... I love a lot about you!" He whispers into my ear.
  He then plants a soft kiss on my forehead and we sit there in silence.
I lay curled up in his lap, one handed on his shoulder, one hugging myself, my head resting on his other shoulder.
"Thanks Ricky, for being honest..." I told him in a whisper.
"Thanks for trusting me Chlo." He stated in a hushed voice.
After another 5 minutes I fell asleep, listening to the sound of waves and Ricky's steady breath.
I awoke to a bright light shining through two French. I sat up but soon got a head rush and settle back in the bed on my side.
I looked in front of me to see Ricky sitting towards the end of the large bed. He had a controller in his hand and a headset on his head. I don't have a clue what he was playing, but the volume was down the whole way.
I watched him play his game for 10 minutes, then it hit me,
Oh my gosh! I have dance tonight! What time is It!
"Ricky." I said pretty loud, but he didn't answer.
"Ricky!" I said even louder, still no response.
"Ugh!" I got out from under the covers and crawled across the bed quietly. Then I got really close to his ear that wasn't completely covered and yelled, "Ricky!"
Ricky let out a scream and dropped his controller, which in turn, yanked his headset off and onto the floor.
He turned around to face me, a scared look on his face. I tried to quiet my laugh, but I couldn't, I began to laugh so hard my stomach hurt.
When I calmed down, Ricky was smiling and so was I. We stared into each others eyes, neither of us daring to look away, until Ricky made his way towards me slowly with a playful smirk and I quickly backed up till I hit the cushioned back board.
As Ricky neared me, I pulled a pillow up in defense. That didn't work as planned...
Ricky grab the pillow out of my hands and tossed it away. He then began to tickle me, I am horrible when it comes to tickling.
I began laughing so hard, no sound was coming out of my mouth and my eyes were watering. I tried to push Ricky off of me, but it was no use, so I held onto Ricky's arms and tried squirming away.
After about 5 minutes of him tickling me, I managed to say, "Ricky! What t-time... is it?"
He stopped and looked at his watch, "4:30 Chlo." He said with a huge smile playing on his lips.
"Poop! I'm gonna be late to dance!" I pushed Ricky with all my might and hoped up off the bed.
"Chloe, our moms talked when we got here, she said you aren't going to dance this week. Oh, and she said she'll get you a note for leaving school early with me..."
"Why'd we leave school early, you could've just woken me up. And why am I not going to dance this week! Nationals are in two months! Abby won't let me dance if I miss class without a valid excuse! Oh my gosh!" I yelled all in one breath and started pacing around Ricky's room. Ricky just watched me intently, his eyes following me back and forth.
"I don't know about the dance thing Chlo, but Dean came and got us because you were pale and warm, and you had puffy eyes with running makeup... I didn't think you'd be able to, nor want to, go back into the school..." He said hesitantly.
I simply nod to him, then lay back on his bed, staring at the ceiling.
Ricky scooted over to me and laid on his side, watching me quietly. I turned on my side to face him, propped up on my elbow like he was. We stared into each others eyes for a while until his phone rang.
He let it ring a few times before he groaned and rolled over to pick it up.
"Hello..." He said then he was silent.
Who is he talking to?
"No Maddie, I can't..." He replied to the squeaky voice that apparently belonged to Maddie.
"I'm busy today and tomorrow... Yeah she is... Yes, you are!" Ricky seemed to be getting angry.
"She doesn't want to!" And with that he hung up.
Ricky got up and walked out of the room. I pulled up Ricky's covers and rolled onto my side, I closed my eyes and listened for Ricky. I didn't hear him, so I drifted of to sleep again, of course thinking about Ricky.

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