chapter 3 - the past

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Oh yeah, I guess you were wondering. Yeah Jack and Rose had a thing.

From 8th to 10th grade Jack and Rose dated. You couldn't really say Rose loved Jack, not like how Renee does now. She only liked a few things about him. His hair, kind eyes and that smile that put you under a spell. Jack's athletic abilities also caught her eye and his athletic friends. Rose used Jack, but he could never see that because he never felt anything from anyone. Once Rose found out about Jack's nesd she left him and moved on to Austin, it was good for her and Renee.

Jack's birthday was coming up. He was going to be 18, free, free to do what ever he pleased, but he wasn't free from his nesd.

Jack saw the doctors that Monday. He got his regular routines down about how & where to go. He was pretty used to going to the doctors.

-doctor- so jack, all of your tests are back and because your nesd are so rare we are looking in to making it a cancer.

-jack- so you mean I would have to go to school and tell everyone I have cancer.

-not necessarily. We haven't been able to look into this yet, but once we do I will let you know.

Jack left the doctors office with his mom.

-mom- so jack, what would you want for your birthday. You know you will be 18 this year.


-jack I'm being serious

-so am I. You and dad are always breathing down my neck. I would like at least one day where you don't ask what I did, where I'm going, or how something was, or who is with me.

-oh I didn't know you felt that way

-mom I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that

He could see the tears in her eyes

- I have just started to realize how grown up you really are.

- mom. Don't cry on me

He never knew what it was like to cry

Back at his house Jack, went in his room and called Renee.

-renee- hey, what's up

-jack- what's it like to cry

- it depends. If your sad it's not that fun, but sometimes you can cry to let all good and bad emotions out

Renee told Jack about all the feelings to try and help him better understand them.

- oh, my mom was crying about me being older

- yeah your birthday is coming up soon. So, what do you want?

- you.


- yeah I just want a date from 11am to 11pm.

- that's it?

- that's it.

- well that's no fun.

- yeah it will be for you.

- well then I can't wait.

- okay I got to go call Austin. I "love" you renee

- I love you too. Bye.

After hanging up jack called Austin.

He answered.

-Austin- hey dude, what's up

- where is a fun place to go on a date?

- why?

- for my birthday I asked renee to go on a date with me. But I want it to be special

- go to the zoo, take here out of the state I don't really know

-did you just wake up?

-maybe ( it was 4:45 pm)

- of course you did. Wait did you also say out of the state?

- ummm yeah

- oh my god, Austin your a genius.

- I am?

- yeah she'll love that. Thanks brother

- anytime

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